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  • in reply to: Crazy sound from big muff :S #93380
    Dr. Matt

    the wah is before the muff, but i’ve always had it like and never had any problems until now, so i’m not entirely sure if the little work i did on the wah is relevant – the only thing wrong with the wah beforehand was the fact that the rubber pad that makes contact with the switch when you push the pedal fully fowards had fallen inside the chassis making it very hard to stomp and i simply retrieved it and stuck it back on with blu-tac!

    i have had the 2 working together fine before with the same layout of wah in before the muff.

    in reply to: My USA Big Muff may have a problem… #93360
    Dr. Matt

    I have a similar thing, although i don’t know when my muff was made, as it may have been in the shop for a very long time, but i did get it last year.

    On some higher output guitars such as my fender Cyclone, i get a volume drop even with maximum volume on the pedal, but there are a number of reasons:

    On its own, it’s fine. I gigged with it the other week into my rocktronic “tweed” amp (just the pedal alone, short set), and everyone said “your fuzz sounded awesome but it was way louder than your clean sound”. I was expecting a drop in perceived volume. I think it may be something to do with buffered bypass pedals, as fuzz boxes can lose signal from having buffers which change the impedance placed before them in the signal chain. are you using any other pedals?

    Another question i think i need to ask is what amp are you using? Even with buffered pedals in the chain, i have to lower the volume on the pedal to match the bypassed signal when i use the fender champ, but with my Laney VC30 it’s a different story… So i think the sound cuts through better with american voiced amplifiers.

    in reply to: Blink-182 is Back!!!! #93319
    Dr. Matt

    Never really bothered to listen to Blink 182 so i can’t form an opinion on them – I’ve only heard all the small things and wasn’t impressed.

    in reply to: Your Ideal EHX Rig? #93318
    Dr. Matt

    Knowing me i’d have the whole lot if i could afford it (I have the worst case of GAS – the “Have to have everything” GAS), but here’s the ones i think i’d actually find more of a use for

    I’d have an LPB-1 (actually, probably a few of those would be necessary to keep my signal strong amongst all the true bypass), Russian Big Muff Pi, Big Muff Pi with tone wicker, Germanium OD, Double Muff, Small Clone, Small Stone, Doctor Q, Stereo Polychorus, Deluxe Memory man, Clone Theory, Voicebox.

    in reply to: Where is the best place to buy used pedals? #91894
    Dr. Matt

    I think occasionally there could be a lot of good deals to be had at car boot sales/yard sales/garage sales/whatever they are called where you live.

    I managed to get a late ’60s/early ’70s Italian made “JEN Elettronica Mister Crybaby Super” which i’d guess is a version of the original thing that the dunlop “original crybaby” reissue is based on. Never found any EHX though, unfortunately.

    in reply to: Russian big muff pi #91814
    Dr. Matt
    try looking on ebay, im sure there are some there.

    I just checked the UK ebay and search found nothing.

    in reply to: What guitars do you have? #91813
    Dr. Matt

    My god i have a lot of work to remember all these.. and i’m only going to list my electrics:

    Fender Cyclone
    Fender Standard Stratocaster
    Fender Jazzmaster ’62 reissue (Modded with graphtech saddles, it’s now flawless!)
    Epiphone G-400 (Modded with a phase-invert push/pull pot for some strange tones)
    Epiphone “Junior model”
    Epiphone Sheraton II
    Squier Affinity Strat (I’ve tinkered with this a lot, it’s a novelty really.)
    Squier Standard Telecaster (There’s just something unusually good about this one)
    Squier Custom Telecaster (With humbuckers. Currently on loan to my friend so she can learn to play)
    Hofner Shorty
    Line 6 Variax 500
    Ibanez JTK2
    Danelectro DC-12

    I’m also paying in instalments for a Fret King Esprit 3, which is an amazing guitar i discovered recently. It’s to keep me motivated to stay in college so that i can pay for it!

    Dr. Matt

    Seeing as this is the forum for a pedal company which makes some pretty large units i’m sure there’ll be lots of people who beg to differ about “Pedalboards the size of a matress” not having mojo :P

    I think the worst de-mojo’d guitar i’ve ever seen was a fender USA telecaster which had been modded with EMG pickups and long-shaft pots meant for les pauls so the knobs stuck out really far and looked ridiculous. The action was set so low there was no sustain and just no power to the tone and bending the strings caused them to fret out before you’d even bent the pitch half a step. And it had really light strings on. I can honestly say it was the worst sounding telecaster i’ve ever heard.

    However, i disagree about fenders with humbuckers – It’s fine to have a humbucker if it’s not an aftermarket modification where once a single coil stood imo. My Cyclone has a humbucker in the bridge position, and sure it’s not the typical twangy, sparkly fender tone, but it still sounds like a fender somehow. Admittedly, the single coil neck pickup does sound heaps better.

    I’ve never “de-mojo’d” any of my gear, although.. i do own a Line 6 variax, and i do admit that even though it’s cool… well, it never had any mojo in the first place (In response to line 6 being in the list). The tone is very bland compared to the real thing, or even a cheap, non-modelling alternative to the real thing.

    in reply to: Analog vs. Digital #91804
    Dr. Matt

    I prefer analogue, it just seems to have more character since there’s nothing more than the electronic properties of the components shaping the sound – you’ll never get 2 identical sounding units because no 2 components will work exactly the same, if you know what i’m saying. Just these subtle things make all the difference to me.

    in reply to: Russian big muff pi #91796
    Dr. Matt

    I’m finding the answers pretty useful in this thread since i’m looking for a russian muff too. It’s a pity they aren’t readily available here.

    in reply to: Made some demos #91795
    Dr. Matt

    You get some great crazy sounds there – What did you use for the blue box frenzy? I loved the sound of that in particular (and the post Q-tron was cool too)

    in reply to: Can someone shed some light on this new smaller russian BM? #91268
    Dr. Matt
    Its been that size for a few years now though so whats going on with all this “new russian” stuff? Is someone only now noticing it or something?

    This is the older chassis one and the PGS video is the one that’s been out for a few years so unless there’s another new on I would bet there actually isn’t a new one at all.

    the one on the PGS vid has 4 screws on the top. that’s the only difference i see.

    in reply to: What’s Your Favorite Band/Artist? #91263
    Dr. Matt
    Joy Division are cool. Hell, lots of bands are cool :)
    Any Madness fans here? :)

    P.S. Matt, I guess you can check your UG inbox :)

    i’m actually not too sure what to make of joy division. I spend a lot of my time thinking they are great, and other times i just can’t stand them. I have to be in the right mood, i guess. There’s something very unsettling about their sound.

    (I have no new messages in my UG inbox? maybe it takes a while for their server to process the information there – they do have a lot of members)

    in reply to: Double Muff an outcast? #91260
    Dr. Matt

    I’m tempted to get a double muff, but my pedalboard is pretty crowded as it is.

    in reply to: What’s Your Favorite Band/Artist? #91258
    Dr. Matt
    I’m sure I must have asked you this before F&ehx;, but do you like Elvis Costello?

    I do. Well, i like the earlier stuff (watching the detectives, pump it up, radio radio etc.)

    I like a lot of stuff from that era though – XTC, The Police, The Jam, Joy Division (kinda..) and stuff.

    Dave Gregory of XTC (he was in the band from 1979 till 1998) is simply a brilliant guitarist. It’s the quality of the playing and the musical effect of it that you have to listen to (particularly on towers of london) to appreciate his skill.

    Some songs from a recent gig in swindon which i was at (Filmed and uploaded by the band’s live mixing engineer from their touring days). He let me play his ’65 Firebird afterwards :D

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