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  • in reply to: Before Or After #86808
    Dr. Matt

    Even though there are no “rules” i think it could be helpful to beginners to provide an order in which to connect their effects if they are completely lost.

    So here’s my attempt at a rough guideline:

    Noise Reduction

    I’m sure someone else will have a different guideline which if anything just goes to prove that there is no right or wrong order to put your effects and just place them in whatever order sounds best to you :)

    Dr. Matt
    I always thought it would be cool to have all the “muff” tones in one box. Like you could switch from the Russian, to a Triangle, etc…a collection of classic muff’s in one box.

    and a tuner. ;]

    Yeah, I like the Muff idea. Maybe it should be called the “Muff-box” as in “snuff box” because i’m running low on imagination at the moment :P

    I think BYOC do a muff clone which allows you to switch to allow the tone control to work like different muffs and get the same tonal qualities, even though the characteristics of the distortion remain pretty much the same – as far as i know, that is.

    in reply to: GeOD #86712
    Dr. Matt

    Riff 1a hot tubes
    Riff 1b GeOD
    Riff 1c deluxe big muff
    Riff 2a GeOD
    Riff 2b deluxe big muff
    Riff 2c hot tubes

    thats my guess – but if thats totally wrong its probably because airbourne were very VERY loud last night lol :P

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86709
    Dr. Matt
    Here are two pictures showing the length of the patch cable. You can spread them out a little bit, but I think that defeats the purpose of them.

    I think you can spread the pedals far enough apart, that you will not hit the wrong pedal.

    Hopefully this helps.

    Well, what i meant was i need to be conscious of space to try to fit the pedals into a board without putting them too close that my foot twitches and gets the wrong one, or worse, 2 distortion pedals at the same time :O its not the length of the cable that the a problem. sorry i didn’t really word that clearly enough lol.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86692
    Dr. Matt

    i thought those weren’t something i’d imagined – my Laney VC30 speaker cable has a socket like that so i guessed that they must make patch cables like it too. They’d probably help, but then they’d make the pedals be a bit too squashed together which isn’t something i want to do – i’m very shaky on stage, i have kinda physical panics where emotionally i’m completely calm but my body shakes as though i have serious stage fright so it can make me hit the wrong pedals too easily hehe.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86673
    Dr. Matt

    I’m trying to rearrange my pedals to see if i can get them to fit into one of those stagg “touring” cases… but keeping it as practical as possible without muddling up the order in which things are connected.

    edit: Just a little short of space, taking cables into account.. damn. I really do not want to muddle things up though, i have my reasons :|

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86669
    Dr. Matt

    Ok, as promised, I managed to find the camera (hidden in the strange compartment at the top of a chest of draws with a door that opens from the bottom that i used to call the “cakey” when i was a kid).


    Some mysterious stuff there. I tried to get my amp in the pic as much as possible without showing up how much of a mess of boxes and cables there is next to it – and excuse the random jar of small change – that is my dad’s, i don’t know what its doing there really.

    For the sake of any questions – the squiffy little guitar is a hofner shorty that i bought on tuesday. Its actually lovely to play and sounds pretty good too. Simply put in the photo because it was small enough to fit.

    Then the pedals: The wah is first in the chain – its a vintage JEN “mister crybaby super” that i managed to get for £15. The 2 silver pedals are a Marshall JH-1 OD/Distortion and ED-1 Compressor. The vox is just a channel/reverb switch for my amp. That odd colourful pedal is a Danelectro Talkbox, it does the job, although i wish i’d got something a little better. The orange pedal is a Boss DS-2, which is very underrated IMO. The next 3 need no introduction – EHX Big Muff and small stone, and a small clone in the FX loop. Also in the FX loop is that bashed up danelectro delay pedal which cost me £2. All these are powered by a godlyke PA-9UK or a SoundLab Pedal Power 450.

    The amp is a laney VC30. I run all my distortions into a very slightly overdriven amp all the time – it just thickens up the sound and smooths off the harshness that comes from the transistors and diodes.

    Long post, but i love discussing gear a bit too much :P

    in reply to: 40th Anniversary? #86641
    Dr. Matt
    I think the new site and forums are just fine for an anniversary. At least they aren’t putting out some cheesey modified overpriced gear like some companies do for their anniversaries COUGHfenderCOUGH

    I agree with that – although it would be cool if they released a reissue LPB just like the original, provided it wouldn’t be sold at a “fender anniversary model” price (i love fender, but i couldn’t agree more about those anniversary models being an excuse to sell really expensive guitars)

    Dr. Matt

    I agree with Ming about the low wattage tube amp – Didn’t there used to be this little amp in a nice looking wooden cabinet? I think i remember it on the old website, but can’t remember what it was or whether it was solid state or tube.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86636
    Dr. Matt

    I’ll post a pic of mine (currently lacking a board so they are just on the floor infront of my amp) as soon as i get a chance/find the camera, but there isn’t that much EHX content at the moment.

    Dr. Matt

    I have a suggestion for the classic style reissues which is to include an adaptor for the mini-jack style power socket to go on the end of a standard outside negative “barrel style” cable – Ibanez do it with the TS808 reissue, and it would make it so much easier for giving the pedals mains power.

    Not sure if thats what you were talking about though.

    I think there should be some kind of octave-fuzz pedal – i don’t have much of an imagination at the moment though :P

    in reply to: My EHX Collection #86607
    Dr. Matt

    Wow, are you trying to collect the whole set of EHX pedals? I didn’t realise the russian small stone was so big, either :P

    I’m also considering getting a double muff, they have a couple of them left in the shop i get most of my stuff from.

    in reply to: GeOD #86606
    Dr. Matt

    Any chance of sound clips?

    All i’ve heard from the GeOD is the demo. This pedal does appeal to me though, if it can get that classic “slashed speaker” fuzztone without a scooped midrange.

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