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  • in reply to: When can I plug the new Big Muff into my veins?? #88763
    Dr. Matt

    we can’t get it in the UK yet i don’t think :( ah well, i can wait – i wouldn’t be able to buy one until i’ve paid off the money i owe for a Fender Jazzmaster :D

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #88762
    Dr. Matt
    I just received the DMM this afternoon and the BMP on Friday. this is my first DMM… AND I LOVE IT. I see a lot of Pitchblacks. I miss it now.

    some awesome gear you’ve got there! :D How are you liking your Nano Dr. Q? I may be getting one of the old sheet-metal chassis doctor Qs pretty soon :D

    in reply to: Post Your Big Muff(s) #88633
    Dr. Matt

    that is a very professional looking photo.

    I don’t feel the need to post a pic of mine because it’s the recent USA reissue muff, everybody knows what that looks like :) if i get an opportunity though, i will anyway hehe.

    in reply to: Big Muff #88020
    Dr. Matt


    Mine is dead silent!

    Mine tends to make a crackly and scratchy noise when the sustain is turned up to full, but it’s dead silent with the sustain at less than halfway.

    It could also be due to an earthing problem with some of the mains sockets in my house which just happen to be the ones my VC30 amp and pedals are powered from. these have been needing to be rewired for a long time – i’m well aware that this is potentially dangerous :doh:

    in reply to: Big Muff #88013
    Dr. Matt

    I run a Big Muff into an overdriven amp and don’t get any noise at all with humbuckers – of course, lots of noise is to be expected with single coils due to the signal boost amplifying the single coil hum, but i get no additional noise from mine – unless of course i turn the sustain up high – i have it at about 8 o’clock 😆

    in reply to: Before Or After #88002
    Dr. Matt
    Pedal order is always an interesting topic. Especially for effects noobs such as myself. I rearranged my board last night again and am much happier with the results.

    The interesting epiphany last night was the Phaser/Flanger split. Phaser before dirt, but Flanger after delay. That way your dirt doesn’t get over powered by the phaser. And Flanger after delay is just a preference, so I can have flanged delays.

    I have my small stone in front of the amp but after the dirtboxes, usually. Most of my overdrive always comes from the amp – i might try it in front of my dirtboxes and compressor to see if i prefer it there though :)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87991
    Dr. Matt

    wow, i see some boards here that put mine to shame :worried:

    tape’s board is particularly interesting – what does the nintendo DS do? :P

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87804
    Dr. Matt
    i posted this over at Harmony Central but some of the kids there didn’t appreciate it… 😥

    it seemed like a good idea at the time… didn’t it Simon?! :facepalm: 😆

    i’ll take a ‘proper’ picture of my real boards (with EHX content) soon. :thumb:

    the unmarked pedal is a GGG Rat, the Batman pedal is a BYOC Rat. :rawk:

    I don’t understand why people wouldn’t appreciate that. Clearly each have their differences (i even notice that the duplicate RAT 2 has an extra switch), and its good to be able to select between variations of the same distortion to suit different songs – I’ve heard J Mascis does this with his Big Muffs.

    I find myself wanting to get a RAT lately, too :)

    in reply to: Do most EHX users also use Fenders? #87616
    Dr. Matt
    :( they are real!!!! it says ‘fender officially licened’ on the box! they are just a bit smaller than the usual ones! :poke:

    mmkay i see.

    guitars for 800px-German_garden_gnome.jpg

    oh dear – pick gnomes now have a real motive to steal peoples picks :O

    in reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks #87470
    Dr. Matt

    Bernard Sumner (guitar/keyboards) and Peter Hook (Bass) of Joy Division/New Order both may have used EHX Clone theorys for their chorus sounds, throughout the Joy Division days at least. On guitargeek, it says “unknown chorus pedal” but claims its a clone theory, for both.

    in reply to: Introducing: Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker #87452
    Dr. Matt

    Hi Mike, great to see you’ve joined the forums :D

    Does anyone know how much this will cost in the UK? or is the RRP currently “TBC”?

    Definitely interested in getting myself one, as i’ve always wanted to bypass the tone control on my Big Muff just to see how it sounds, because i’m the kind of person who likes my distortion tones to simply distort the signal rather than adjust the tone of it and allow the amp to do the rest, and i’ve always thought it could do with a high-end boost too. Seems like somebody has been reading my mind :)

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix & Keyboards – Analog Synths #87409
    Dr. Matt

    Well my keyboard rig currently just consists of a cheapy yamaha sampler keyboard run direct in the PA from the line out, i’ve never thought of experimenting with it much, but you’ve just given me some ideas :D

    in reply to: EHX Forums, meet EHX Bill! #87092
    Dr. Matt

    Hi Bill!

    Good to hear about the vocoder :D I hope to see one of them around to check out at some point :)

    Dr. Matt

    Not sure if this is the appropriate thread to post this but tubezipper reminded me in another thread about the Electro Harmonix drum machine that was available in the past – I know Andy Partridge of XTC has mentioned that he used one for laying down drum tracks at some point (they had no drummer from 1983 onwards, and i must say, a bad time to lose your drummer, with all these cheesey sounding 1980s synths around 😆 ), although i’m not sure if these recordings made it to any commercial recordings.

    What happened to that?

    in reply to: Do most EHX users also use Fenders? #87020
    Dr. Matt
    lets hope so, 2 is more than enough… ;)

    Having only 2 bassists at college is problematic when we’re all put into 5 separate temporary bands to perform setlists – it means some guitarists are told to play bass, or the bass players have to learn more songs than they can manage and it gets in the way of group rehearsals when the bassist is with his other group.

    It is interesting to see the responses regarding fenders – and oddly enough melx, i do have very small hands 😆

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