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  • in reply to: New Fender Jazzmaster :D #89752
    Dr. Matt
    I gotta say I’m not a fan of white on red. I’d switch that over to a black guard IMO. My girlfriend would like you to know she likes it though, haha. (what a catch right? We can look at pedals and gear together) My rhythm guitarist plays a Jaguar, and its also a pain in the ass to setup properly, much like the jazzmasters. Once they finally get setup properly, they play like a dream though.

    yeah, i’m struggling with the setup a bit at the moment. it’s nice to play because i sorted out the weird setup of the action (the 2 E strings were far lower than the other strings, and were buzzing like mad against the frets), but the saddles are still very rattly. i’m told new saddles can solve this (graphtech string saver or fender mustang saddles), and that the buzz-stop cures the audible buzzing you get through the amplified signal from the strings buzzing against them due to there not being enough tension. still, that’s an additional £55 to fix a guitar that was reduced by £115 because of a few little scratches in the finish.

    in reply to: What kind of music do you play? #89657
    Dr. Matt

    i’m in a band that’s mostly rhythm n blues/soul/jazz type band, but i generally try not to think of what i’m doing as being categorized by a few genres – i think as soon as you start saying for example “we play both kinds, country and western!”, subconsciously you can end up limiting yourself to the typical aspects of that genre. It’s good to see so few people who have actually been specific about the ‘genres’ they play.

    in short, my answer to the question this thread asks: i have absolutely no idea 😆

    in reply to: Germanium OD Acting Really Strange #89656
    Dr. Matt

    This seems like quite a common problem with FX pedals, particularly fuzz pedals. It’s actually quite common with most audio gear. If you’re picking up radio signals it normally means that something isn’t correctly shielded.

    in reply to: My EHX pedal demos #89655
    Dr. Matt
    Can you possibly also do video? :poke: :)

    I would if i had the necessary equipment. A webcam would probably have worked well enough for video demos, i used to have one somewhere but i’m not sure where it’s gone :S

    Dr. Matt

    I have 4 and i can’t decide which i prefer because they all do completely different things and it would be a matter of deciding which effect i prefer as opposed to which pedal.

    I guess the one i use the most is the USA Big Muff Pi. In conjunction with my amp’s overdrive it produces a smooth, wooly, thick sound which just can’t be achieved with anything else, and is unbelievably awesome for producing harmonic feedback. I initially bought it as a fuzzbox, but despite not being the kind of fuzz i was looking for it made me discover a whole new side to my guitar playing that i didn’t know i had.

    The others are the Small Clone, Small Stone and Doctor Q.

    A lot of you put my EHX collection to shame :doh:

    in reply to: small clone #89538
    Dr. Matt

    Small clone is my chorus of choice – it’s what turned me onto EHX in the first place. I remember going into the shop i get all my gear from looking for a chorus pedal for a specific sound which was a lush, shimmering, heavenly chiming sort of sound, and if it wasn’t for the fact i’d spotted the small clone hidden away behind a stack of line 6 pedals (because i asked to try out the line 6 chorus) that they’d forgotten they had, i’d never have found that sound :)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #89286
    Dr. Matt
    Nice Free Speech. I picked one up real cheap to play around with, but it is honestly giving me more trouble than its worth. It doesn’t play well when in line with the rest of my effects (i think its the buffer/bypass of the Free Speech, adds some really bad noise/clipping to my signal) I also bought a real cheap XLR-1/8″ cable to use with it, and that barely works.I’m thinking about getting an A/B box and putting my board in A and the Free Speech in B, and then probably just running the Free Speech into the PA. I dunno, big hassle. Don’t know if I’ll keep it around.

    Yes, i might do that too – the inline function is pretty useless, i don’t even bother to use a mic with it anymore for bedroom practice. usually the tube gets taped to a mic stand and i use it into my vocal mic when i need to amplify it – running it through an amp just doesn’t work. A guy at college has a Rocktron Banshee talkbox which is so much better…

    Julian, thanks for the suggestion about making a board, but it’s the case that i need really – my needs are a good quality case that i can just open up, lift off the lid and have all my pedals there already setup that i just need to plug into the amp.

    in reply to: Anyone else’s Stereo Mistress do this? #89281
    Dr. Matt

    I have a problem like this somewhere in my FX chain that i haven’t quite managed to put my finger on, but every time i dig in hard with a bridge humbucker in use, something clips within my pedals.

    Lowering the pickups on the guitars causing these problems was my solution, athough i’m not sure whether that was just a workaround that could’ve been resolved in a better way..

    in reply to: Setting Up the Little Big Muff #89280
    Dr. Matt

    Distortion pedals aren’t designed to go in the FX loop – they are designed to take a dry guitar signal, crunch it up into the distorted sound, so the amp’s preamp stage can round off the edges and make it sound like a distorted guitar.

    It’ll be difficult to get a sound like the EHX demo because it sounds to me like they are using a very expensive british voiced tube amp (65amps soho???) with a slight bit of natural overdrive which is adding to the sound of the pedal somewhat, but that doesn’t mean to say you won’t get a good sound – as julian said, if you’re struggling to get any definition amongst all the fuzz, roll back the sustain knob a little – it can work wonders, i have mine at 8 o’clock (Very low) on my NYC muff. Although i’m sure you’ll notice you’re much closer to the sound you hear on online demos by simply having the pedal in front of the amp :D

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #89085
    Dr. Matt
    On the demo the bass boost was a bass boost… Strange :)

    i don’t know how old this one is, maybe they’ve changed it? or was it the nano Q you saw a demo of? anyway, when you flick the switch up you lose a lot of bass and get a very screechy sound (it’s a cool sound effect, though not very musical), but when it’s switched down it’s a pretty well balanced sound. Maybe mine’s just ‘special’ :)

    anyway, i apologise for the darkness of this pic, but here’s my current board…


    you might notice that i STILL don’t have an actual board. It will cost about £100 but i’d like to get a large case to just put them all in in that current arrangement. i need at least 80 x 50 cm though lol.

    edit: i also appear to have cut off the right hand side, but you can still just about see everything.

    in reply to: Flanger Hoax, guys? #89068
    Dr. Matt

    Because of the word ‘flanger’ i seem to have overlooked the hoax until now (i’m not a fan of flangers for some reason), but now i definitely want to check it out :D

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #89067
    Dr. Matt
    So, how’s the Nobles Pre? Nice and all?
    And do you use the doctor q with the bass boost on?

    The bass boost is actually a bass cut :P

    The nobels pre does exactly what it promises – boosts. It’s like a lot of other boosts in the way that it also manages to add an incredible amount of clarity that you often lose by having lots of FX with dodgy bypass (or too much true bypass and not enough good quality buffers, as my case may be). It really has fixed the problems with humbuckers sounding mushy and muddy through my rig, too. It’s a godsend, although i can’t help but think the LPB-1 would do exactly the same for cheaper – minus a simple 2 band EQ which is useful for rolling off harsh treble and rumbly bass where needed.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #89049
    Dr. Matt

    ah. Well, i bought the Doctor Q today :) (along with my long awaited nobels preamp boost). I use the Dr. Q to add an extra something to distorted solos, as it kinda allows you to control the harmonic response – i also use the nobels to boost if i want a distorted rhythm tone from my pedals as well as just having them on for solos. I’m really impressed by the vast improvement a simple auto-wah/signal boost has made to my setup. My new improved board pic will be uploaded as soon as i’ve taken a pic hehe.

    in reply to: instruments #88776
    Dr. Matt
    I wouldn’t like to see a guitar from eh. :nono:

    why not? (edit: question was answered while i was posting)

    I think EHX should also make analog synths.

    in reply to: instruments #88764
    Dr. Matt
    EHX already have some acoustic guitars, they were out in the 70’s IIRC. They are pretty damn rare though.

    I want a reissue.

    I think EHX should make electric guitars though.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 88 total)