Home Forums EHX News New Pedal info leaked: Superego, Tone Tattoo, Crying Tone, Volume, Talking, Expression, & Pan,

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    newest update:


    Superego. Looks like it’s a super freeze with gliss ala the HOG & maybe a little something more. It’s also got an FX send/return which gives it a lot of the features people were asking for in an XO freeze.

    This is the Crying Tone wah pedal, & although there are no pics, we can assume the Pan, Expression, Talking pedal, & Volume all look similar. No moving parts, so we could probably assume that it uses accelerometers or something like that, and you rock the hole pedal. Looks to be the zize of a normal wah pedal. I’m curious as to how these work because there’s a lot of questions that we all have about these.

    The last one is the Tone Tattoo multi-fx. Says it has chorus, delay, distortion, & more. I’m wondering where this one’s going. Will it be a simple distortion, chorus, delay in a box, or will there be a ton of effects, a digital interface, a new enclosure, etc?

    old post:

    Following the blog, in his last few interviews Mike Matthews has been hinting at some new designs.


    In this interview at the end he he says they’ve got a pedal line codenamed “magic” in the pipeline that’ll be as big as anything they’ve ever done.


    In this interview he talks about the problems with the Deluxe Memory Man chip availability, and that they’ve got an alternate chip that will let them do 550ms tap tempo ones until they can find the chip that allows them to

    He also hints at the new pedal line, saying they’ve got the layouts done, they’re patented, etc.

    I can’t find the link, but this summer I remember an interview where he mentioned an analog design that nobody’s ever done before. So I find this exciting.



    EHX posted this video where Mike Matthews says they’ll be showing off the Superego pedal in a few weeks.

    Is this the same as the Magic line of pedals, or is this something else?

    What could it do? Title really gives me no clue as to what it could be.


    Can’t wait! Wonder if it is a whole new line apart from Classic Series, XO, and Nano? Either way it sounds like it is going to be exciting.


    I posted about that in the Lounge forum yesterday, I wasn’t sure if it was ok to post it in EHX News :D

    Really curious about this…


    yeah WTF!?!?!?! new sounds and tones all together?!?! or just new ways to deliver old classics?!?!?! like even smaller enclosures? or modular system, or sum thing totally diff like Devi Ever’s game counsel idea!?!

    I posted about that in the Lounge forum yesterday, I wasn’t sure if it was ok to post it in EHX News :D

    Really curious about this…

    Well anyone can post in News. I think it’s OK to post in News as long as it’s News. I do move threads that aren’t news or merge threads that are redundant when I see them.

    yeah WTF!?!?!?! new sounds and tones all together?!?! or just new ways to deliver old classics?!?!?! like even smaller enclosures? or modular system, or sum thing totally diff like Devi Ever’s game counsel idea!?!

    I hope it’s not something like Devi’s game console idea.

    Maybe it’s a modular polyphonic analog guitar synth system, with the world’s first working polyphonic audio to CV converter. That’d be pretty rad, and there’d be some great possibilities built into something like that.


    I’m so excited, a little bit of wee wee has just come out.


    I was thinking something along the line of the game council as well. I would love to see some wacky LFO Monotron like synth for EHX. :)


    He also mentioned something about how he would like to tweak a Bass Big Muff Pi.


    does this have anything to do with the new analogizer?


    I doubt it, doesn’t really fit the descriptions.


    yeah he said nothing like it out right now right? I mean the Instant LoFi junky is out and that’s a similar concept…


    also he said it’s a new pedal line, this just looks like a new nano, not a new line at all.


    i was just about to buy the knockout and pulsar but i feel i need to wait and find out what these are but its killing me! also the new analogizer looks sweet. i would buy it right now if it were out but i can’t find any info on that


    There are rumors that the new EHX series is based on Devi Ever’s Console idea (a pedal with slots to plug in modules with different effects).


    Btw, my list of new stuff for NAMM is already long and interesting:

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