Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 Stereo Multi-Track Looper – DISCONTINUED

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    OK, I just bought this. Did I inadvertently make a good collector’s move or will I get buyer’s remorse when the 2880’s successor is introduced?


    OK, I just bought this. Did I inadvertently make a good collector’s move or will I get buyer’s remorse when the 2880’s successor is introduced?


    it is a great pedal, i doubt you’ll regret it.

    although i’d love to see it happen soon, i’d guess it will be some time before we see an updated looper. they haven’t even put up their latest batch of pedals / made out to stores yet (superego, wah etc). they are probably just trying to dry up the supply chain…


    Really? Yeah, I checked 2012 NAMM news and was surprised to see no sign of a new looper. I can guess what they would update, but I had my first real learning curve session last night and I don’t foresee any regrets.

    I bought a Boss RC-20 Loop Station the year before they introduced the RC-30. The 2880 pretty much replaced the RC-20 with my main set-up, but I will still be using it for acoustic sets. I didn’t like the changes Boss made, and the earlier version loops more accurately from what I read in reviews. So no matter what comes next I imagine the 2880 will be remembered fondly for some function or feature that got dropped or re-imagined.

    So no matter what comes next I imagine the 2880 will be remembered fondly for some function or feature that got dropped or re-imagined.

    exactly. and if it fits the bill for what you need now, the presence of an updated version won’t change that… with all tech, you can spend forever waiting to make sure you get the current thing – meanwhile, you miss all the time of actually using a unit to make things…

    if i had to guess, i’d say later summer at the earliest…


    well that and RIP the 16 second delay// looper –
    EHX are way overdue a decent updated looper, the looping function on the hazarai was so bad I never bought a haz at all


    Yeah, I agree on overdue. I mean, I like this, but I think having a separate foot switch is a barrier for most people. Hope they keep the dials and slidebars, but the flash card can go.


    individual outs (or assignable outs?) would be one thing I’d love to see in the 2880. Even if it were a “cue out” system like a DJ would use. The CF cards…. yeah. some sort of rudimentary menu system like on maybe an electribe or MPC would be way more handy than swapping cartridges. Makes me feel like i’ve got a gameboy on stage.


    I had the 2880 for about a year, the only improvement I could think to make (and my primary reason for letting it go) would be the footswitches. Boss-type soft touch vs. DPDT or whatever they are would have been a huge help in getting my timing right. It always felt that the engagement had a slight lag due to the travel required by the switch.
    Maybe it’s just me, but it was enough to sell it on. Otherwise, what a machine!


    I really wouldnt be suprised if ehx went the opposite direction for a real lo fi sack of crap,., in a good way.
    big dials and clunk



    I’m having trouble with the quantize feature, but taking it real alow, I can make a good manual live guitar loop. The trick for me was the same I used to adapt to the Boss — hitting the record/overdub with kind of an exaggerated foot stomp and down stroke (for the chord at the beginning of the loop), both done in sync, The soft pedals are definitely more ergonomic, but I like the 2880’s interface better than the compeition’s button-laden digital plastic plank equivalents.

    well that and RIP the 16 second delay// looper –
    EHX are way overdue a decent updated looper, the looping function on the hazarai was so bad I never bought a haz at all


    I have the 2880, the 16SDD, and the SMMH. All are great and do their own thing in the looping world, but I get a lot of mileage out of the SMMH looper. It’s very convenient.

    The EH Man

    The HOG is discontinued as well


    For real? Picked one up in February. Glad I didn’t miss out.

    The HOG is discontinued as well

    where did you hear this? it doesn’t seem to be listed on the ehx hog page like it is on the 2880’s…

    a case redesign seems to make sense here with both the 2880 and hog discontinued at the same time…

    The EH Man

    It’s not listed on the catalog page anymore. Also, my sales rep told me a couple of months ago that it and the 2880 were being discontinued.

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