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  • in reply to: Whats your guitar of choice? #110338


    in reply to: Holy Grail….Holy Fail..? #109514

    You have to put your reverb after the distortion, the reverb effect is becoming distorted like you guitar signal, thats why its going crazy, if you have an effects loop try running the holy grail through it, should clear up the problem

    in reply to: Ambient loop with SMMH and my pedalboard #108743


    in reply to: Delai time Memory Man #106678
    in reply to: Running a boost pedal before an EHX tube pedal- Good/bad? #106353

    I use many different boost/od’s before my english muff’n and it sounds amazing, never done any damage as far as i can tell, and apparently the english muff’n actually is a tube preamp like you would find in a tube amp, so im not positive but i dont think there should be a problem

    in reply to: How old is this DMM? Mods? #106197

    It could be any time before 2006, thats when they switched to true bypass. I haven’t done mine yet but ive herd of alot of peaople doing a true bypass mod, op-amp upgades, and adding expression pedal jacks

    in reply to: DMM XO vs. Original DMM #105232

    So dmc777, i would recommend finding one of the reissues from the 90’s, based on my research and personal experience, i believe the memory men with the mn3005’s are the best model, theres a reason the same chips are used in the already legendary Diamond Memory Lane!

    in reply to: DMM XO vs. Original DMM #105221

    Yes but according to eh man
    ” The original Echo/Analog Delay Line and 4 knob Deluxe both used the Reticon SAD1024 delay IC. From my understanding, EH decided the chips were noisy and started using the Panasonic MN3005 delay IC instead. This was the reason the later models were quieter and had better delay effects. Most of the 4 knob Deluxes I’ve heard make a high-pitched whining noise in the background on the delayed signal. With proper setup, you can reduce this to a minimum, but it’s difficult to remove it completely.”

    and according to anolog man
    “Theoretically, the less delay chips you have, each with higher number of memory positions to add up to the same amount of memory, the better the sound. But in reality there is little sound difference between two 3005 chips and four 3008 chips. But there are twice as many calibration points to dial in if you have 4 chips. Some delays have EIGHT CHIPS (ad999?), that must be a nightmare to calibrate…

    so yes i am the guy sayin my version of the deluxe memory man is the best sounding, because it is, in my opinion, and isn’t that what “review your ehx gear” is about, your opinion of your gear?

    in reply to: DMM XO vs. Original DMM #105182

    I ment there not using the same chips as the original reissues from the 90’s,

    in reply to: DMM XO vs. Original DMM #105180
    in reply to: DMM XO vs. Original DMM #105179

    The newest xo deluxe memory men actually use four mn3008 chips instead of two mn3005’s check out analog man’s site, theres a ton of info on the dmm the chips and the differences

    in reply to: New guy with an English Muff’n. #104878

    Also as i mentioned above another overdrive (even a crappy one) before the muff’n will fatten it up considerably
    and remember, something that alot of people seem to forget, your guitar has a tone knob

    in reply to: New guy with an English Muff’n. #104874

    I have swapped my AY7’S for AX7’S but i ended up just putting the AY7’S back in as i use my muff’n mostly for clean to slightly overdrivin sounds, and with 12ax7’s there was not much clean sound to be found, also i didn’t find it warmed up any. Watch the mid knob on the eq it carries ALOT of highs along with it.

    in reply to: Whos your favorite all time guitar player???? #104873

    I have chosen these players for there originality and different approach to guitar playing, In no particualr order:

    John frusciante (red hot chili peppers, ataxia, the mars volta (not officially in the mars volta but does alot of studio work, and sometimes live stuff)

    omar rodriguez lopez (at the drive in, the mars volta, numerous solo works and colaberations)

    Larry lalonde (primus)

    The guitar players from Minus the bear (dont know there names)

    mike einziger (incubus)

    adam jones (tool)

    jimi hendrix

    Once again these are in no particular order, and there are probably many that i have completely forgotten about

    in reply to: New guy with an English Muff’n. #104871

    I like using my english muff’n as a preamp of sorts, i find it sounds better with my chorus before it, but wah and delay after when im using it for clean to slightly overdrivin sounds (Only because my wh10 wah has a pretty large volume boost, and i like my delay after my wah). Also putting an overdrive before the muff’n, using it again as you would the preamp section of an amp and overdriving it sounds amazing. You can get some really nice tones by maxing out the gain on the muff’n and using your guitars volume knob to go from clean to dirty. Using the muff’n as it was intended, as an overdrive in front of a cranked tube amp is the best.

    Setting i like:

    Gain-9:00- max
    Treble- 9:00-10:00-10:30 <-Single coils/ 10:30-11:00-12:00 <-Humbuckers/P90s

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