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    I was hoping the tone wicker was going to be the size of the Haz with knobs and switches all over it!!!!!! :D

    Ned Flanders

    Tuenr with Hazaria.LOL Maybe it will have a built in flanger and OD…

    Tuenr with Hazaria.LOL Maybe it will have a built in flanger and OD…

    lol, you never know!!!…I suppose it could have a built in TB loop, A/B, cable tester or something!? :D


    New “ultra fuzz” idea . . .


    I believe there is a market for this one !!!



    How about the filter section from the Microsynth in an XO or nano pedal?


    a portamento pedal like the HOG has built in?
    would be the best thing ever and would be more accessible for the cheaper guitarists.
    could have this as an option on the ‘wah idea’ along with the volume. but that’s getting difficult…

    Max Roberts

    I reeeaally want an XO POG (not micro).

    I just had a though too (don’t know if this has been mentioned already). Well, I recently got a slow gear and love the effect but it’s quite a lot of money to be sitting on my board.

    Is there any possibility that you can extract the Attack Delay from the Micro synth circuits and make it into a nano pedal?! That would be amazing!

    I reeeaally want an XO POG (not micro).

    I just had a though too (don’t know if this has been mentioned already). Well, I recently got a slow gear and love the effect but it’s quite a lot of money to be sitting on my board.

    Is there any possibility that you can extract the Attack Delay from the Micro synth circuits and make it into a nano pedal?! That would be amazing!

    Hi, do you have a SMM w/Hazarai? that can do a really cool ‘slow gear’ effect.

    Max Roberts
    I reeeaally want an XO POG (not micro).

    I just had a though too (don’t know if this has been mentioned already). Well, I recently got a slow gear and love the effect but it’s quite a lot of money to be sitting on my board.

    Is there any possibility that you can extract the Attack Delay from the Micro synth circuits and make it into a nano pedal?! That would be amazing!

    Hi, do you have a SMM w/Hazarai? that can do a really cool ‘slow gear’ effect.

    I was thinking about getting one. It’ll be way off in the future though. I would love to have it in a single pedal though you see. I might just keep my Slow Gear, I just know I’ll get tempted to sell it at some point though :p.


    ^ what about making a Lazy Sprocket from BYOC? they’re boss slow gear clones iirc. i agree that’d be awesome as an EHX pedal though.

    I was thinking about getting one. It’ll be way off in the future though. I would love to have it in a single pedal though you see. I might just keep my Slow Gear, I just know I’ll get tempted to sell it at some point though :p.

    I understand, there are bits of the Hazarai that I’ll like to rip out and put in a little nano box.

    Max Roberts
    ^ what about making a Lazy Sprocket from BYOC? they’re boss slow gear clones iirc. i agree that’d be awesome as an EHX pedal though.

    I think there’s something different about them, like an old chip that was used in the Slow Gear that isn’t available anymore. I could be completely wrong though.
    Many bassists have said it isn’t great on bass too (I play bass).


    yeah i suppose it’s too good to be true…



    It’s probably been said, but the ATTACK DECAY needs to come back! I would love to get my hands on one of these. I don’t care if it’s die-cast or sheet metal, it just needs to come back.


    I vote for the Attack Decay too! The only similar stuff I could find is the swell setting on my old Digitech RP, which has no variation, and the hard-to-find-in-Russia-and-quite-pricey Pignose thingy.

    Also, a weird idea, but – a pedal which has two parts – the guitar signal goes into an analog fuzz with lots of hard clipping, then the signal goes undergoes digital processing, during which the clipped parts are replaced with waveforms (triangle/sine/random), and the user has a lot of control. Basically, replace part of the waveform when it exceeds a certain level.

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