Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Flanger Hoax clips (tremolo, ring mod, and noise)

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    Just made these this morning. Showcaing more of the unlikely or umentioned sounds you can get out of the Flanger Hoax.

    tremolo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_13hRktEV08
    ring/vibe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHLfu3DYisw
    noise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YEZ9nZJHTM


    I enjoyed your guitar playing :thumb: That Jaguar looks awesome!

    The Flanger Hoax is a completely inspirational tool. I love it so much that I have 2 of them. It definitely has a few shortcomings, and isn’t exactly the most convenient pedal to use on a guitarist’s pedalboard. But for experimentalists and studio fiends, it’s essential, IMO.


    I want that jaguar!

    Those were some great sounds you got with the hoax. i’m going to have to write down those settings, because even after having mine for almost a year, i still don’t really know how to use it. I just randomly turn the knobs until i get a sound i like.


    DO WANT!

    Man, I’ve been looking for a reason not to buy this pedal, and my willpower is running out. Anyone ever run a bass thru it?

    SupremePancake, can you say a little about the sound in the video? Is that thru an amp and camcorder mic or are you recording direct? I love the idea of demoing the pedal with a loop, so we can really understand the sweep of the controls, instead of just a few discrete settings.

    Well done, sir.

    I want that jaguar!

    Those were some great sounds you got with the hoax. i’m going to have to write down those settings, because even after having mine for almost a year, i still don’t really know how to use it. I just randomly turn the knobs until i get a sound i like.

    Besides the beginning of each of the loops I just turned the knobs at random.

    I enjoyed your guitar playing :thumb: That Jaguar looks awesome!

    The Flanger Hoax is a completely inspirational tool. I love it so much that I have 2 of them. It definitely has a few shortcomings, and isn’t exactly the most convenient pedal to use on a guitarist’s pedalboard. But for experimentalists and studio fiends, it’s essential, IMO.

    Thanks for the compliment on the guitar playing. :)
    I wanted to make a video of not just rock, power chords, covers, and scales like a lot of videos seem to show.

    DO WANT!

    Man, I’ve been looking for a reason not to buy this pedal, and my willpower is running out. Anyone ever run a bass thru it?

    SupremePancake, can you say a little about the sound in the video? Is that thru an amp and camcorder mic or are you recording direct? I love the idea of demoing the pedal with a loop, so we can really understand the sweep of the controls, instead of just a few discrete settings.

    Well done, sir.

    Thanks :)

    I use a really basic setup. Just a AKG D-22 mic on the amp that goes into a studio dell. At least for the Flanger Hoax demos. The rest of my youtube demos are just laptop mic.

    I really like the looping idea for pedals like these. I have a HOG as well and when I demo that I’ll probably do one with a looper.


    haha you’re pretty much all over the net with those clips. I ear you, let’s spread the love for Hoax. lol.

    I should do the same with a Jamman loopstation it’s so much easier to show what this thing can do.

    nice job!

    And I think you would be interested by that thread:



    Chev just listened to your drone clips. Very reminiscent of early science fiction movies such as Andromeda Strain. What is the instrument in two clip that is making that almost horn like drone? Is that the hoax?

    Chev just listened to your drone clips. Very reminiscent of early science fiction movies such as Andromeda Strain. What is the instrument in two clip that is making that almost horn like drone? Is that the hoax?

    yes, all the horn-like part, the guitar was muted, it’s all comming from the Hoax…! love that pedal!

    and now with Stereo Cathedral Reverb…I’ll post some new clips with it.

    I have to look for that movie, I’m planning on doing some kind of experimental soundtracks over my friend experimental video and stereo voice noise…really ambiant.

    We just did our 1st gig yesterday, really good for Halloween…hehe!

    here’s a youtube of it:


    hey, anyone ever try to mess with the trim pots inside the hoax? does that do anything?

    i opened my bassballs a few months back and messed with the trim pots inside that control the twin filter frequencies and got curious about the hoax’s trim pots.


    too much circuitry in there to XO , I suspect. The Flanger Hoax is my favorite pedal these days, it can do so much, both tame and insane! :thumb:


    Glad to see people still enjoying these videos. :)
    I have to do a Micro Synth one at some point.


    here are some very Minimalist oscillations from the Flanger Hoax manipulated with a Memory Boy and a Stereo Pulsar. They were inspired by the Stanley Kubrick film 2001;A Space Odyssey . You can click on my pics to see some of my Paintings as well, I hope you enjoy the subtlety and grandeur of the Flanger Hoax.



    Company Man I got to say I have all of these pedals and I can’t really figure it out how you did. Really great impressive sounds. I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of Gil Melle’s Andromeda Strain Soundtrack. It was one of the first electronic soundtracks ever used. Also came in a hexagon packaging.



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