Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 dud?

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    Yeah I just noticed it today. So now I’m really GASing for one. Between that and the MIDI controller I want though it will cost me somewhere between 700-900 bucks. And my wallet’s kind of dry right now. Hopefully in the summer I’ll have the money to blow :)

    I have some questions for you users about it though. . .

    1. Can you turn the volume down on all the tracks and record? (I’d like to record earlier during a song and fade in later after manipulating it.)

    2. Is the headphone output independent from the volume sliders? (It would be nice to hear my loop before I decide to fade it in- if not I guess since I’d be using it mono I could use midi CC to pan everything to one side and use a monitor to preview.)


    I don’t have it here right now, it’s up in our practice space, but I’m going to go get tomorrow, and I’ll check it out… TBH, I haven’t used it all that much yet, but I’m excited now! I actually tended to use it like a four-track…


    That’s sort of a bonus feature of it. ;)


    And a really useful one at that… I can record gigs on it!

    I hadn’t, I didn’t see the update! Awesome! I’ll sort that and see if it solves the issue. Thanks very much! The MIDI CC control looks amazing, and will really open it up for me.

    So did the software upgrade solve the MIDI sync problems?

    I have an opportunity to pick up a 2880 but it’ll be useless to me unless it will follow the clock of my Korg ER-1 without fail.

    Please let me know if there’s hope!



    Yup, it does indeed! I haven’t tried tempo changes though…

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