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  • in reply to: Small stone volume loss #107092

    Update: I finally did the mod following the explanation I previously wrote, the volume drop disappeared but when I play the strings a little bit harder it sounds distorted.

    in reply to: Small stone volume loss #106766

    D’oh!, sorry I forgot the most important question of all:

    “To fix the volume loss problem – The feedback resistor in the input gain stage is R6, 5k6 – change to 10k
    The mixing resistor in the feedback / color stage is R27, 2k2 – change to 5k6″

    Is this the right mod for the Small Stone USA reissue (a.k.a. version 4)?

    in reply to: Small stone volume loss #106748

    Hello, I’ve been doing a lot of research during the last three months because I need to fix the volume drop of my Small Stone, apparently my pedal (the USA reissue) is known as V4. The most recurrent explanation I have found is this one:

    “To fix the volume loss problem – The feedback resistor in the input gain stage is R6, 5k6 – change to 10k
    The mixing resistor in the feedback / color stage is R27, 2k2 – change to 5k6″

    This info seems to be incomplete though… according to a friend (who is the electronics expert and the one that is going to help me with the mod) the info doesn’t include details such as the kind of resistors you need (carbon or metal film) and it’s size (1/4 watts or bigger).

    I’ve been trying to do this mod but the lack of detailed information plus the different incarnations of the Small Stone (most of the mods are related to V2) have been a huge obstacle.

    Here is a picture of my Small Stone, I bought it new in July 2006:


    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106747

    Hi, I’m Stonergrunge from Chile (south america) and this is my first post!

    My setup:

    Lyon By Washburn guitar > RMC4 Picture Wah > Rocktek Metal Worker (dist/fuzz) > Boss CH-1 Super Chorus > EHX Small Stone > EHX Pulsar Tremolo > Washburn South Side VGA 30R, 30 watts solid state amp.

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