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  • in reply to: Serial numbers? #101648

    Don’t they? My POG2 had one. It was on the box and there’s a sticker inside that has the s/n. Maybe not all the pedals have them. Never looked for one for my HOG.

    in reply to: pog #101463

    Should be pretty similar to this:

    That’s my video. I haven’t tried a POG, but I have a POG2 now, and I’d say get a POG2. It tracks just as well as the HOG. Both will track amazingly well though and sound killer.

    in reply to: Some HOG questions #101462
    hey dudes.. few questions about the hog, forgive me if they’re redundant:-

    just wondering about the exp pedal and preset foot controller inputs, they’ll take normal guitar cables right? so i could say, use giant cables of any length?

    not major, but is the included exp pedal’s cord attached? ie. fixed length, or does it have an input to use your own cable.

    If you get an expression pedal that lets you use your own cable it can be any length. The one that comes with it is Plenty long though, so there should be no issues really. It’s gotta use a Stereo TRS cable 1/4″

    with the preset controller, will it save ALL info, ie, the sliders, the buttons, the exp mode etc? will it save any exp pedal position info, eg, start toe down, toe up, some point in between? could i have a preset with my sliders, in say gliss mode, to engage the expression pedal say, midway…?

    are there other options for saving presets? anythings possible im sure, but would it be possible to build a smaller unit quite easily? one with less buttons that could move presets up or down etc?

    The preset saves everything but the input gain slider, including EP setting and the push button selections and if the Envelope switch is engaged or not. The only way you can save the presets is with the official pedal (or the 2880 controller pedal, as they are the same and are cross-compatible). There really isn’t a cheap or smaller alternative to the preset switch controller. The thing uses a microcontroller with EHXs own software to interact with their pedals.

    with the unit’s MIDI input, what will that accept, CC messages from 0-127 for the expression mode only? or are there any other possibilities, such as preset saving/sending.. can it be controlled via a midi foot controller at all?

    The MIDI input does exactly what the Expression pedal does. The only difference is that it determines “toe position” with a midi pitch wheel signal. So if you have the expression pedal setting to Octave bend, a MIDI signal will create sounds accordingly, likewise with the Step Bend, or even Freeze + Gliss! If you make a repeating sequence with a MIDI controller with the Filter or Octave bend settings you can get some very incredible synth like step modulation square wave style. It’s very versatile, although it requires quite a bit of setup.

    subjective Q, but to people who also know there way around a microsynth, with regards to the this pedal, can similar tones be achieved using the hogs octave and filter options? and what would you say are the areas or tones where there is some overlap, if any?


    Sorry, not much experience with the Micro Synth.

    I hope my responses filled in any gaps that may have been left by other posters.

    in reply to: Frequency Analyser Questions #101229

    The Frequency Analyser tracks everything perfectly. There’s no latency as there’s no digital reading of the pitch, everything that happens is completely natural result of the carrier wave meeting the input signal. I play an amplified wind instrument (bassoon) through it, sometimes with loads of effects before it like a HOG and a Metal Muff – tracking is always perfect. The pedal runs at a high enough voltage to provide pretty much any sort of headroom you’d need.

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