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  • darc

    So, yeah… working with my new bow tonight. Some very interesting sounds happening, but I’m thinking this is not going to be a real practical solution for me. Something I hadn’t considered: rosin is very sticky. Get it just about anywhere on your strings and/or fingerboard and the guitar is a mess/ no longer much fun to play. If I were to keep a little stunt guitar off to the side just for this purpose, then maybe, but I don’t realistically see that happening.

    Back to the drawing board. (And off to change these strings LOL.)


    Hey Cryabetes,

    This is the second time you posted to this effect, so I decided I ought to pay some attention. I listened to some bow-on-guitar on youtube and a few clips did really impress me! I hadn’t seen bow on guitar since the famous/infamous Jimmy Page performance, which I always thought was a little lame (i.e. well-deserving of the Spinal Tap violin-on-guitar parody.) But, you’re right, some folks really are getting convincing violin from guitar/bow/modern gain. I’m ordering a bow today!

    I still won’t be able to layer guitar and strings in a single live pass – I’ll probably have to rely on MIDI for that.


    The POG2 arrived, and thus far I’m very impressed. Tracking is even better than I’d hoped.

    Right out of the gates I zeroed in on reasonably convincing double bass and cello tones. Violins seem slightly out of reach, but I expected that they would be. There’s a lot of complexity in high-register bow/string noise, etc. that I don’t imagine I’ll get. If anyone has any ideas, or has had any success in approximating violin, I’m all ears.

    Similarly, full string sections are probably too ambitious, (without running multiple signal paths through a fortune in pedals LOL.) Something comparable to FM synth strings is acheivable, but here the distinction between strings and organ gets pretty blurry.

    I was surprised at how much potential there is for woodwinds/reeds/etc. I’m getting sounds reminiscnent (in varying degrees) of flute, oboe, picollo, even Bill’s Uilleann Pipes. And what’s so great is that you can really imbue these with character by using extended techniques e.g. reverse ghost bends with a whammy, etc… all the things that make MIDI very unhappy. I feel like I can *play the instrument* again!

    So, having fun, interested in thoughts on violin, and now looking forward to the new EHX Freeze pedal!

    Thanks so much Darc!!
    I bet you can get a cello like sound using the POG2.
    I lowered the guitar pitch down to A with the HOG.
    Using the POG2 you will need to detune the guitar down by hand.
    With some work I would think it could work.
    Thanks again for watching!

    You are quite welcome! I’m genuinely impressed/inspired/humbled. All good things, right?

    Good news re: the POG 2. I found a very good deal on a used one and decided to go for it. As I said, I think I can use a Variax to achieve proper detuning as needed. It’s a little ugly down a fifth, but if I went a minor 3rd and then compensated on the fingerboard, I might have some luck. It’s not like I have a specific piece of music in mind yet.

    I’m still slightly obsessed with the HOG but it’s tough that it won’t save/recall presets without another sizable box and investment. I think if EH addressed that one oversight w/ a HOG 2, they’d have a better seller on their hands.

    Thank so much for the demos and for your reply to my question. I’ll post back with my results as soon as I get the new toy! :)


    Thanks, Cryabetes. Just checked out a video of the PS3, didn’t realize how powerful they were. I got a pretty good line on a used POG 2, though, and pulled the trigger this weekend. Can’t wait to see how it works out.

    A bow? I can barely keep my picking technique in good practice! :)


    Absolutely amazing work, and some questions raised here come to bear on a question I’ve posted to the “Help” forum:

    I’d like to raise the question that Island3r posted above again:

    I would assume that a similar cello sound would be possible using the POG2?

    Any thoughts? HOG + controller is looking like overkill (esp. on the wallet) and I’m wondering what I can hope to get out of the POG 2. I’m really in love with that Cello tone, though!


    OK, just read carefully through “Effectology, Vol. 3: Cello Concerto for Guitar and Effect Pedals”, here:

    My God, Bill is ridiculously talented. Anyway… One question came up in that thread and unfortunately was never directly answered:

    I would assume that a similar cello sound would be possible using the POG2?

    (Bill had used the HOG for that particular voice.)

    I’d love to get an opinion on this specific point. I could probably find other effects in my collection (and/or emulated in NI Guitar Rig) to cover the other bases in those setups, but buying *both* a HOG and a POG is out of the question. In fact the HOG alone is almost cost-prohibitive, particularly since presets can’t be saved without the proprietary foot controller.

    So narrowing down my question then: will a POG 2 get me anywhere near that beautiful cello tone, provided I can scare up my own compression, volume swells, etc? (I could even detune to the key of A as indicated in his example, using a Line 6 Variax, if needed.)

    Thanks again!

    P.S. The timpani trick in the “fanfare” video is just too cool. :D

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