Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Why not a bass multi effect?

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  • #83499

    I love the Tone Tattoo and the Epitom3. I own them both and think that they are a great value and are easy to use. Now I apologize if this idea has been mentioned but what about a bass multi effect in the same spirit as the the aforementioned pedals?

    If you have not guessed already I play bass and guitar. Playing much more bass these days.

    I try to wrap my mind around what combo I would pick if only given 3 EHX bass effects to pick from. I think I would pick:

    1 Bass Big Muff (w/ Gate)
    2 Bassballs
    3 Mole, Enigma, Q tron or Steel leather (can’t decide)

    Any one else have an idea for this line up? How would you design it if you could? Would love to hear what you would pick.

    I am not with EXH design just a man with a dream.


    DI would be a must as well.

    Just saying.

    Hope to see something someday along these lines.

    Much love.


    Hey Hadar,

    I play mostly Guitar but I also like to mess with bass! If I had to choose only 3 effects for a gig with my bass I would pick :

    1. Micro POG
    2. Bass Big Muff
    3. Electric Mistress

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