Home Forums The Lounge Whoa, that was fast

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  • #79863

    Yeah, um.. they discontinued Sovtek Big Muffs not so long ago and there are already auctions for them on ebay that end in almost two days with the price higher that i paid for the new one before they discontinued it (yay me)…

    there is one on BIN for more than 100 dollars!

    that’s a surprise for me :) however it really pisses me of that i live in czech republic, country full of ignorants… so if i’d want to sell it, i’d end up with alot less money than was the original price

    Ned Flanders

    I saw a guy selling them for US$200!!

    I saw a guy selling them for US$200!!

    yeah, crazy times :D

    anyway… is that usual? i expected that the price would eventually go higher but not that fast

    Ned Flanders

    Just rouges taking advantage IMO. They shouldnt be this expensive.

    Mike Matthews himself said the sovteks changed over the years, becoming cheaper and poorly made to keep production costs low as the cost to produce increased. When they issued the first sovteks they were made really well, then they started getting lighter,thinner and smaller and along with this ,poorer in quality.

    The last black sovtek is the poorest and should never sell for over 100 bucks IMO.


    It seems people are buying them up (my bass player and I bought 4!). Right on they’re not a 1st edition sovtek, but they sound really cool for the right application.

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