Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Which Phaser is better?

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    Hi everyone!

    I’m going to buy a EHX phaser, but I’m hesitant to choose which one.

    Could someone explain to me what are the differences between the Flanger Hoax, the Stereo PolyPhase and the Small Stone?

    I want to use the phaser with an electronic organ and a synthesizer.

    Thank you very much.


    They differ on complexity. The Flanger Hoax can do anything you want and more (much, much more), including through-zero flanging. It’s quite a complex beast, though. The Polyphase is right in the middle, and offers a lot of sounds –though not as much as the Hoax. The Small Stone is pretty much a 4-trick pony (color up and down, slow and fast), but boy, what tricks! I kick myself every other minute for selling mine… :(


    Which is analog and which not?


    I believe the Small Stone is analog…but, off hand I can’t speak to the a/d aspects of the others.


    All are analog.


    And what about PolyPhase’s stereo outputs that miss on the Hoax?
    It makes the difference or the Hoax is best at all?


    Actually, the Hoax has three outputs (direct, blended and wet) and you can use all three, so it’s got one more output in comparison to the Polyphase. I just don’t know whether the Polyphase has got some optimization for a deeper stereo effect or something.


    Well, I’m looking for an old, analog, pure, deep and very warm phaser effect: which one got this kind of sound?


    I’d get either a small stone or a flanger hoax
    the Polyphase isn’t thick and gooey enough for me


    It’s possibile to get a pure, warm and deep phasing sound without flanging with the Hoax?
    In every Hoax’s demo I’ve seen there is always a damned liquid flanging sound with the phasing action.



    I’d go with the fanger hoax because you can probably get any sound you are looking for and ive been able to have a nice phaser sound.

    Well, I’m looking for an old, analog, pure, deep and very warm phaser effect: which one got this kind of sound?

    the mxr phase 100 gets very warm phaser sounds. but if you are looking for specifically an ehx pedal, get the flanger hoax.


    The Small Stone is an easily recognizable and classic phaser voice, so you can’t go wrong with it. It’s the least flexible, however, of the three phasers.

    The Stereo Polyphase is probably the most flexible phaser of the three. It has stereo outputs, adjustable sweep range for both the start and stop points, 2 different wave shapes, expression pedal input for manual phasing, and an envelope filter to get Q-tron-like filtering. As Julian mentioned, I felt that the blend of the phase to direct signal somehow was too subtle for my taste. I wish a blend knob had been incorporated, or at least a trimpot.

    The Flanger Hoax is a great phaser as well. Keep the Delay Mode knob at DC to isolate it. You can get some really bizarre phaser voicings by adjusting the 2 delay lines. What’s great about the Flanger Hoax is that it can approximate many other modulations that would be useful for organ and keyboard – rotary, vibe, tremelo, warbly chorus, and of course flanger. It has 3 outputs, but it is not a stereo effect. The outputs are effect, direct, and blend. Still, there is a lot you can do with these.

    My recommendation is to get the Small Stone and the Flanger Hoax both ;-)


    Get a SmallStone first!


    The big question in my head is: what can do the Small Stone that the Hoax can not?

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