Home Forums The Lounge What pedals do you currently want?

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  • #99953

    – still waiting to check out the Memory Boy.
    – Fender Blender
    – POG2
    – Moog MF102
    – Hexe Bit Crusher


    On it’s way to me… :metal:


    ^ you got one?!


    that’s awesome

    you’ll have to get a stereo cable and plug the expression out into the HOG’s expression in! I command you!


    now that i have my microsynth, theres only three pedals that i want.

    Ibanez WH-10v2 wah definitily getting this as soon as it is in stores.
    Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai
    and a Z. Vex Fuzz Probe

    that’s awesome

    you’ll have to get a stereo cable and plug the expression out into the HOG’s expression in! I command you!

    Already been doing that with the Goatkeeper this week. Great fun, although I have a feeling with up to 2 minutes of control, I’m going to be able to do some weird sh*t!

    We will see……


    -selfmade demeter tremulator
    -selfmade orange squeezer
    -selfmade germanium boy
    -highly modified boss bf2
    -memory boy
    -vesta fire chorus


    Flanger hoax (even tho i have a flanger, and want the stone)
    Small Stone
    Holy Grail
    Carbon Copy/Memory Boy
    Double Muff (I think it’s a little bit underrated)
    Boss Sg-1 (or at least a byoc)
    Digitech Bass chorus (My CEB-3 is good, but not the type of chorus that I was looking for)

    And many more. Lotsa more EHX on my “board”.



    I’m normally not a greedy man, but I do want the following:

    EHX Stereo Polyphase, expression pedal
    EHX HOG, footswitch, expression pedal
    Tech 21 Blonde
    Tel-Ray Morley PWB Power Wah Boost
    Moog MF-102 Ring Modulator, expression pedal
    Possibly the EHX Memory Boy, but I’d have to try one first


    My dream pedalboard would probably be along the lines of:

    USA Big Muff

    Germanium OD

    XO Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai

    Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe 2 (Robin Trower uses it)

    MXR Silicon fuzz

    MJM London fuzz (germanium)

    BYOC envelope filter

    BYOC Leeds fuzz

    BYOC flanger

    BYOC wah

    an octave fuzz

    I’ll probably remember a few things later and put them in there, but that’s a pretty accurate list.


    Digitech Timebender
    EHX Riddle
    EHX Micro Synth
    EHX Memory Boy


    I still want a Bi-Filter, but I’m going to have to sell off some stuff first.

    I’m still not decided on whether to get the Enigma or the Riddle, but I think I’m more likely to use it with bass. I have so many guitar filters already, it’s way past absurd.

    The Cathedral keeps calling my name, but I’m trying to ignore the siren’s call and hold fast to the original 3 Grails. Tough to resist, especially those gorgeous graphics and the stereo inputs.


    carbon copy 😆 (acually i’ve changed my mind memory toy now)
    cs9 chorus
    evh flanger
    for now

    Stoner Wizard

    I mostly focus on EH’s big & medium sized boxes, the classic folded metal chassis

    My “most wanted” are:

    – EH Deluxe Memory Man 4-knob version.
    – EH Stereo Polyphase (the vintage big box version, almost identical looking to Stereo Polychorus).
    – EH Attack Decay.
    – EH Pulsar (the original, similar to Small Stone in size, two controls for rate & depth and a switch to engage/disengage “Chop” mode – like a drastic On-Off).
    – EH “Triangle” Big Muff.
    – EH DRM-32.
    – EH Super Space Drum.

    Other non-EH “most wanted”:

    – MXR Analog Delay (the 70’s big green box).
    – MXR Blue Box (an original 70’s unit).
    – MXR Distortion II (another from late 70’s).





    FOR REAL: The Riddle, Flanger HOAX … also Morley Bad horsie would be awesome… and maybe a Boss PS-3

    I’D probably NOT USE, BUT I WANT TO TRY: Micro synthesizer, Malekko 616 Ekko, some Ring modulator, maybe Freq.Analyzer for start

    FOR NOW NOT FOR REAL BECAUSE OF THE PRICE: Fulltone Clyde Deluxe, Blackout eff. Whetstone analog phaser, Eventide Pitchfactor

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