Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Warranty for a birthday gift?

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    Hello guys, so my girlfriend bought me the Hot Wax pedal for my birthday but she bought it on April, my birthday is on may 2nd that’s when I got it. My pedal stopped working 2 days ago, one of the circuits doesn’t power on anymore. She told me she didn’t tell me when she purchased it so I registered it the day it broke because it hasn’t been 10 days to try and file for a repair, but she just told me she purchased it on April. I I was going through the warranty guide book and it says to register with 10 days after purchase. I was wondering if I’ll still be able to get it fixed. It hasn’t been a year since purchased, but it wasn’t registered within 10 days. Has anyone else dealt with this before? Any idea of what might happen? I emailed support but haven’t heard back from them. Thank you!

    The EH Man

    You should be fine. It may take a day or two to get a reply.


    Let me know if you have not heard back from service.
    I will contact them. Sorry for any delay!

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