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  • #81156
    The EH Man

    Pretty cool until you have to replace the oddball 7k/11k dual pot, which is made of unobtainium. Even worse, the pot has a tap on one of the traces.


    EH Man, what’s the chance that you would design a Talking Pedal Clone for those of us who’ll never score an original ? :D

    (substituting the unobtainium, of course)

    The EH Man

    Slim to none. Can’t find a replacement pot for it.


    Goodhonk says it sounds just like a Bassballs, did this precede that pedal?

    The EH Man

    They came out roughly the same time. The Talking Pedal is much more vocal in it’s effect.


    having treadle control over the rate would be pretty cool!

    The EH Man

    The Talking Pedal is more of a very vocal wah than an envelope filter.


    hay Ron, this pedal aside, do you know where home builders can find treadle type enclosures?!?!?! i have many many suppliers for standard aluminum enclosures, but nothing in a wah / volume type?!?!?!! please tell me you know a maker!!

    The EH Man
    hay Ron, this pedal aside, do you know where home builders can find treadle type enclosures?!?!?! i have many many suppliers for standard aluminum enclosures, but nothing in a wah / volume type?!?!?!! please tell me you know a maker!!

    No idea. There was a guy at the DIY forum that was making some but that’s about it. Cheaper to buy a used Dunlop or other wah and gut it.


    damn! thanks for the info Scruffie but thats still a bit expensive for multiple builds.

    i once seen a website and lost track of it, of sum one who makes boutique pedals and sells the enclosures. they offered a small expression enclosure, almost like the “chi-wha-wha” i was hoping sum one will know sum info.

    damn! thanks for the info Scruffie but thats still a bit expensive for multiple builds.

    i once seen a website and lost track of it, of sum one who makes boutique pedals and sells the enclosures. they offered a small expression enclosure, almost like the “chi-wha-wha” i was hoping sum one will know sum info.

    I know the pedal you mean… give me a day or two to see if I can find it… I didn’t know they sold the enclosures but I know what you mean.

    You ever seen the Devi Ever emo wah? Never produced but with the base of a 1590A enclosure and a 1590B Enlcosure… i’ll see if I can find a picture, you’d have to do a bit of engineering though.

    Regards the main post – http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=77091.0

    And a soundclip of said workaround – http://www.aronnelson.com/DIYFiles/up/sample_1-3c.mp3


    no Scruffie it wasn’t the same company that makes the “chi-wha-wha” (Plutonium? i think?) it was a different smaller more boutique company who made pedals but also offered enclosures. i only used the “chi-wha-wha” as an example, the one im thinking of actualy wasn’t the same (almost a Boss style case) it was more of a Crybaby case, but small like a Boss pedal.

    but thank you for your help and efforts!!!

    no Scruffie it wasn’t the same company that makes the “chi-wha-wha” (Plutonium? i think?) it was a different smaller more boutique company who made pedals but also offered enclosures. i only used the “chi-wha-wha” as an example, the one im thinking of actualy wasn’t the same (almost a Boss style case) it was more of a Crybaby case, but small like a Boss pedal.

    but thank you for your help and efforts!!!

    No no, I got that, i’ve seen the company you mean though that made something simmilar to the Chi Wah (Yes it is Plutonium) I saw it a few months back, just having trouble remembering who it was, i’ll search for it though.

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