Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Treble based Hiss with new Bass Clone

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    I purchased the Bass Cone a couple of months ago. I love the tone, but I am struggling to get rid of the hiss. Even when it is the only pedal in the chain that is on, I get enormous hiss. The only fix is to turn the Treble on Pedal all the way down and turn the amp treble all the way down.
    My pedals are on Isolated Power and the cables are fine. Its to the point where I cant use it live because I cant get rid of the hiss. Any suggestions.

    Pedal Chain is: Fender Geddy Jazz into Dean Markley Tuner -> Hartke Bass Attack -> SansAmp YYZ -> Bass Clone.

    I’ve tried taking Hartke out of Chain but it didn’t really change things.

    I replaced Bass Clone with an Old Boss Chorus and the hiss went away. Same pedal chain.


    Sorry please write the techs at



    I have the exact same issue. As much as I like the sound, I’m not using it anymore because of the hiss. I tried everything, to no avail.


    It is an analog delay based pedal and can cause some noise..
    But please write the techs and see if they have a fix.
    Write on Monday at info@ehx.com

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