Home Forums EHX News The Official Memory Boy Speculation Thread

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  • #95411
    Not Memory Boy related – but Big Foot reminded me of this early Flanger Hoax design concept:


    …and yes Scott, the illustration was based on Mike :D

    Wow, that’s great documentation :)

    Where did you find that? I need sources like that ;)


    oh wow, that Big Foot is awesome on the flanger hoax


    I can’t wait to try the Memory Boy… When will I have a shot at it? That’s all I wanna know.


    So what do people think will be the advantages the Memory Boy might have over the MXR Carbon Copy? I guess having direct control over the modulation with a pot is better than the MXR’s switch with internal trimpots, but on the other hand it is a bigger case…

    Perhaps the delay time will be longer although this wouldn’t really be a big advantage for me; I have the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai if I want 3 seconds of delay!


    Everyone’s clamoring for more delay time… but honestly, I don’t see most people really using all of that extra delay time. Besides, if it’s truly going to be analog, then kiss that possibility goodbye. Even the insanely-priced Moog Moogerfooger Analog Delay barely goes over 1 second.

    If delay time is essential, then that’s what digital is for. Besides, analog delay pedals usually have low headroom, and that’s counterproductive to effectively using a pedal with a long delay time. IMO, of course, but if I were to want long delay times, I’d also want a lot of headroom… and both of those are features of the digital delay.

    I’m hoping the Memory Boy is a delay pedal that exists somewhere between an MXR Carbon Copy and the EHX Deluxe Memory Man. Analog delay tones, perhaps more headroom, oscillation, modulation, chorus… stuff like that.

    I’m a HUGE fan of modulated delay, but have no room for the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai. Here’s to hoping that the Memory Boy stays as compact as its current prototype!


    Yeah I prefer shorter delays. Get your delays too long and they start dominating your rhythms.

    I think comparing the Carbon Copy to the Memory Boy is all going to come down to personal preference for the sound. It isn’t like digital delays where you can simply picks yours out by looking at the features. It’s more like fuzz. They all pretty much do the same thing- gain, volume, tone. But they all sound different, and it’s up to you to find your favorite.

    Not Memory Boy related – but Big Foot reminded me of this early Flanger Hoax design concept:


    …and yes Scott, the illustration was based on Mike :D

    That is sooooo AWESOME! Can I send one to EHX and have that custom screened on my Flanger Hoax? It’s so SCOOBY-DOO looking to me.


    its weird….the day before this was first mentioned i was staring at my pedal board thinking what would be perfect would be an xo analog memory man…..

    so i cant wait.
    any ideas when it will be out?
    i just hope it is like the big version where you can have 100% wet signal, cos no other analog delay does that….and thats what i need.

    Not Memory Boy related – but Big Foot reminded me of this early Flanger Hoax design concept:


    …and yes Scott, the illustration was based on Mike :D

    That is sooooo AWESOME! Can I send one to EHX and have that custom screened on my Flanger Hoax? It’s so SCOOBY-DOO looking to me.



    Not Memory Boy related – but Big Foot reminded me of this early Flanger Hoax design concept:


    …and yes Scott, the illustration was based on Mike :D

    Thats really awesome! the flanger hoax would look really amazing if it was black like that, i think the blue and purple would contrast very nicely. do you know of any other design concepts for the flanger hoax? if you do, can you post them?


    I would love to see design concepts for any of the pedals

    Let the disappointment set for those thinking it will be anything other then a small XO DMM.

    It just dawned on me…other than the size, what will be different about the MB to the normal DMM? There must be something, because if the MB is cheaper then everyone will just buy it instead.

    It must lacksomething…? I was thinking it would be sans modulation, or at least it wouldn’t be adjustable, but from the pic it looks like it might still have it.

    Any ideas?

    Let the disappointment set for those thinking it will be anything other then a small XO DMM.

    It just dawned on me…other than the size, what will be different about the MB to the normal DMM? There must be something, because if the MB is cheaper then everyone will just buy it instead.

    It must lacksomething…? I was thinking it would be sans modulation, or at least it wouldn’t be adjustable, but from the pic it looks like it might still have it.

    Any ideas?

    Maybe it has modulation, but no continuous control over it. The depth might be preset, like the rates were on the original, and the switch is just on/off.


    Just found this pic, some guy had it for an avatar. ??????????????

    Just found this pic, some guy had it for an avatar. ??????????????

    That’s just photoshop :)

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