Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear The Mole (bass booster)

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    Hi everyone,

    I created this account just to post this topic on EHX The Mole. I started getting interested in this pedal about 2 weeks ago, but couldn’t find one single video demo/review out there, so I decided that I should be the first to demo this quite excellent pedal.

    My goal was to find a pedal that could thicken up my sound for certain parts in a song, giving it some more ‘oomph’ to my existing fuzzy sound. I wasn’t at all interested in thickening my clean sounds, I was purely looking for something to complement the fuzz.

    It’s function is quite straight-forward, it simply boosts your lower-end frequencies. But really, it’s all about the sequence with this pedal. Putting it at the end of the pedal-chain, it really did nothing for me. It sounded like someone rolled the tone-knob all the way down on a guitar, simply no definition AT ALL. Putting at the front of the chain, totally changed everything! I guess this will totally depend on whatever setup your playing, my chain is;

    guitar -> Malekko Omicron Fuzz -> Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop OD -> MXR Micro-amp -> Polytune -> bassamp

    At first glance, I thought this pedal was a one-trick-pony. That I would only use it at 100% clockwise and there wasn’t anything else to it. While it does sound pretty awesome in this setting (it really makes the glitchy octave effects of my fuzz stand out) I started realising after a couple of days of playing around with it, it just really depends on your other pedal’s settings! It was then that I started going further counter-clockwise and found some really awesome fuzzy bass-ish sounds out of my Strat (2 HumB’s), even the bridge pickup!

    I’ve got this pedal barely a week, but I’m really enjoying it’s addition to my sound and I’m sure that further experimentation might even bring out some more surprises.

    Like I said, while I was searching for information I couldn’t find a single video demo/review (except for the EHX engineer video). So I made the first one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zkz8bWo3IE

    I hope it helps anyone out there interested in this pedal, it’s not expensive either so it’s a perfect spontaneous buy for those that don’t mind experimentation.


    Hi there :) that’s a good demo! i think you kinda have the talent for making demos – it was interesting, good quality, the right amount of talking and decent playing :)

    Hi there :) that’s a good demo! i think you kinda have the talent for making demos – it was interesting, good quality, the right amount of talking and decent playing :)

    Thanks, I really appreciate that! I’m not totally comfortable in front of a camera yet, but I’m trying to overcome that. I’m the main singer in my band, so I’m trying to get rid of any ‘insecurities’ (for lack of a better word… I’m Dutch) and I think that making Youtube video’s will help that, because it’s such a large audience that can watch them! And you’ve seen the comments on some video’s, there’s some really harsh trolls out there haha


    i also have and use a Mole for guitar. i been wanting to make a demo for a year now (and others asked me) but i dont have any good recording equipment, thanks for the vid!

    i also found it sounds best in specific places for guitar. i always use mine near my distortion to give my hard rock or metal rhythms more low end (almost like a Korn tone). i found that if it is after my distortion the sound turns to mud, but before works perfectly. but i get no glitchy effect out of mine, im sure that all depends on what pedals your using it with, and in your case it brings that out of your fuzz box.

    Hi there :) that’s a good demo! i think you kinda have the talent for making demos – it was interesting, good quality, the right amount of talking and decent playing :)

    Thanks, I really appreciate that! I’m not totally comfortable in front of a camera yet, but I’m trying to overcome that. I’m the main singer in my band, so I’m trying to get rid of any ‘insecurities’ (for lack of a better word… I’m Dutch) and I think that making Youtube video’s will help that, because it’s such a large audience that can watch them! And you’ve seen the comments on some video’s, there’s some really harsh trolls out there haha

    don’t worry, mate, trolls are everywhere :)

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