Home Forums Help/Technical Questions SuperEgo Synth Engine power troubles

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  • #83022

    Hello everyone,

    I have a problem that is driving me crazy. I just ordered a Small Clone Chorus and a SuperEgo Synth Engine pedal. I heard almost every review you possibly could and fell in love with them. When I went to the practice space to put them in my effect chain, I ran into immense amounts of buzzing and got no signal from my guitar coming through. I use the 9.6V adapter that comes with the pedal and plug into the outlets on my SKB pedal board and a separate steel cased power strip and still ran into the same feedback troubles. I tested the pedal on its own through a small 10 watt combo amp, plugged into a standard wall outlet, and got no problems. I just have no idea what the problem could be. I am posting for two reasons.

    1. What could be causing the buzzing?

    2. Where is the best place in my signal chain to place the pedal?

    My chain is as follows

    Gibson Explorer-SKB Effects Loop (IN)-Morley Bad Horsie Wah-MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay-Small Clone Chorus-Big Muff Fuzz Pedal-DigiTech JamMan Looper-BOSS Noise Suppressor-BOSS Chromatic Tuner-SKB Effects Loop (OUT)- Input of a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Roadster with Stock Cabinet

    If I could get any responses, it would be amazing!

    Thank you for reading and responding!


    More info on your troubleshooting steps would be helpful to reduce the number of variables. For example. did you try the S-EGO into your main amp with it plugged into a standard wall outlet instead of powering it from the pedal board? Did you try the S-EGO with your main amp, without any of the other effects, and if so was it plugged into the wall or the pedal board? That should help narrow it down.


    To Superlebido, I bought the superego and love it, as a rule of thumb, set your tuner first, then a volume pedal if you have one, then all your modulation effects..such as chorus, flanger, reverb, vibrato, tremolo, phaser and yes the super ego, then your noise gate or suppresser, then another volume or wah pedal if you want then your delays and echoes and octave type effects, you will find out a lot of your problems will quiet down, works well for me. the reason you set your delays echoes and loopers after, is so the noise gate or suppressor does not shorten your echoes or delays. Tip set your threshold at about 1:30 on your noise suppressor. Tip 2 Set your loopers last so you can capture any effect you have on your chain. The very last pedal should be the EQ. you can run mono straight thru all and split the signal to stereo out of the EQ. Works very well!! Hope this helps!!

    Rob Leishman

    My sbk pedal board doesn’t power my micropog or pog2 sometimes, they may draw to much power. I haven’t run into this with the superego yet. It seems to only happen when I’m using every outlet.


    To Rob Leishman, Yes it is possible you may be drawing too much power, check to see if your pog 2 is a 9v or 12v power, my multi bricks have 9v 12v and 18v power, if it is 12v you may need to get a power brick with these options. or get an independent power supply for the pog 2, the micro pog should be 9v. I do not have the pog 2 yet but I an planning to get it. I have the epitome it has the holy grail plus, the electric mistress and the nicro pog in one pedal.


    To Rob Leishman, Yes it is possible you may be drawing too much power, check to see if your pog 2 is a 9v or 12v power, my multi bricks have 9v 12v and 18v power, if it is 12v you may need to get a power brick with these options. or get an independent power supply for the pog 2, the micro pog should be 9v. I do not have the pog 2 yet but I an planning to get it. I have the epitome it has the holy grail plus, the electric mistress and the nicro pog in one pedal. hope this helps! if you still have problems I will try to look it up and help you out.

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