Home Forums The Lounge Superego loop suggestions?

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    Hi all, first post here. I’m the happy new owner of the Superego and I love it!! Now I’m just looking for the right multi-effect gadget to put in the effect loop for a performance situation. So far no luck in finding what I want.

    My goal is NOT to find the best sounding effects necessarily, rather the most useful. So, here are the basic criteria for what I’m looking for, in order of importance:

    1. One single unit, either rack or floor, digital or analog. Whatever!
    2. Modulations, filters and pitch-shifting are the main effects I’m looking for. REALLY want simultaneous effects.
    3. A unit with a MIDI IN so I can load presets and what-not from my MIDI controller.
    4. A relatively small footprint if in pedal form. No dimension longer than 12″.
    5. Relatively affordable–doesn’t need to be immaculate, sound-wise. Under $300 would be a good goal for this purpose. But then again, I put this last on the list for a reason.

    Does such a unit exist or am I dreaming??

    I’ve looked at some cheaper multi-fx units – Digitech, Line6… came really close with the Line6 M5, but it only runs one effect at a time! I think I’m barking up the right tree with some of these cheaper units, after all, I’m only putting this thing in the effect loop of the Superego, which I’m not going to be using all the time. I’d really prefer a floor unit instead of rack so I don’t need to run more cables than I need to across the floor.

    Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks!!


    Yes, the M5 does one unit at a time, but it’s larger sister the M9 does 3 and the M13 does 4. The M13 also has the advantage of a loop, so if you have it in the Superego’s loop, you can have another in the loop of the M13. It also has MIDI control. With it’s “scene” function, you can save groupings of pedals for use in particular songs. 12 pedals in a scene. Add the expression pedal functionality and the M9 or M13 can be just the thing your looking for.
    While new they list above your $300 limit, perhaps you can find one used to meet your price point. I have the M13 and while I adore my individual stompboxes (mostly EHX :) the M13 has incredible versatility in tonal possibilities and routing options.


    First of all you will probably get more replies if you move this to the Technical help forum, since that is the question you are asking.
    Second, your question is lacking the most important info: what kind of sound are you trying to achieve ?
    I am using the Nano Mistress in mine & I love the sound but you may want a phaser or Freq Analyzer.

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