Home Forums Vintage EHX Stereo Slap-Back Echo problem.

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  • #84461

    Hi !

    I recently got a Stereo Slap-Back Echo, there was no sound at first. I opened the thing, 2 cables were loose. I find their respective places and solder them were they belonged (I think I’m right, you can see a white cable I soldered to the Echo Out after taking the picture.)

    Now I got sound. But no echo…

    When I switch ON, the Blend acts as a volume knob.

    I tried to use it with 2 x 9V batteries, tried (On a pedal board) a 9V and a 12V. (It’s supposed to run threw a 18V but don’t have one yet)

    Do you have any idea of the problem ???

    As there’s two outputs, I tried to plug them both into the amp (Dry + wet ?), but still a clean sound with no echo in it…

    I’m pretty pissed because I’m sure that’s a sweet pedal but can’t find what the damn problem is !

    If you have any idea, you’re welcome ! :)

    I found a wiring diagram but I’m sadly not very comfortable with this kind of things…

    Here you can find a few pictures : First one with the loose cable (And the second white loos cable below, not easy to see), second the external view of the pedal (Mine is the Stereo version on the right), and third the wiring diagram I found :





    Are you able to take voltages of the unit? Can only guess without which isn’t a good way to get it going again.



    The STUPID thing is my batteries were too old… Bought new ones, put them in, works perfect.
    I soldered the things I wasn’t sure of. I was right.

    But… That’s pretty unusable with guitar as it’s “Stereo”. There’s a Dry and Wet outputs, not really stereo… So I was thinking of turning it to Mono !

    I tried to solder the Direct wires to the Echo out, but I had no sound… What should I do to make it Mono ?
    On the schematic there’s the square for the “Stereo version”, the “wavy thing” is a resistor ? I should take it out too ?

    Thanks a lot !

    PS : searched for a power supply but there’s all with the Boss tip ! What can I use for this ?? Kind of universal power supply they sell in hardware shops ? Or swap the 1/8″ output for the Boss ?


    Whoops! Glad you got that sorted anyway.

    I know it’s called Stereo but as you say there is just a wet and dry output, if you want mono… just only plug in to the wet output, no need to re-wire anything.

    The direct output is simply connected directly to the input, that resistor is only there to prevent pop from the footswitch.

    You can buy an 18V Boss tipped supply and just use a converter cable like this https://www.gak.co.uk/en/diago-ps04-blue-adaptor/57726?gclid=COi6ptSG3c0CFckV0wodD0MAyA

    Don’t drill the enclosure out to change the DC jack!

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