Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Pulsar volume drop

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  • #79156

    I want to mod my SP to fix the volume drop. I added a pot to my Boss TR-2 Trem to be able to boost the effected signal. I’d like to do something similar to my SP. Where can I find a schematic for it? Has anyone modded theirs?


    i have not modded one yet, and I’m not sure if he has a schematic of this model seeing that its newer. but i go to http://www.ronsound.com to get my schematics, he has most for all EH products and many for other brands as well.

    Ned Flanders

    Its my experience with this pedal that there actually is zero volume drop…there is a perceived drop among some people but it doesn’t actually drop. i dont even perceive one!

    Peoples ears vary a lot,this has a lot to do with it.

    Its my experience with this pedal that there actually is zero volume drop…there is a perceived drop among some people but it doesn’t actually drop. i dont even perceive one!

    Peoples ears vary a lot,this has a lot to do with it.

    mind had a slight volume boost if anything, I used to turn the depth down and use it for solo’s, lol….. there was nothing even close to a drop and I’m sure it wasn’t my ears. :)


    Well I’d like the ability to boost it, regardless of its current position.


    speaking of volume drop, now that i think about it i get a volume drop from my Holier Grail….anyone know whats up with that?

    Ned Flanders
    Its my experience with this pedal that there actually is zero volume drop…there is a perceived drop among some people but it doesn’t actually drop. i dont even perceive one!

    Peoples ears vary a lot,this has a lot to do with it.

    mind had a slight volume boost if anything, I used to turn the depth down and use it for solo’s, lol….. there was nothing even close to a drop and I’m sure it wasn’t my ears. :)

    The same can be said of smallstones. I have one that was made in 1978/79 and people complain of drops in modern ones and even complaints of a drop in vintage ones,mine doesn’t drop. i think some peoples ears perceive the sound difference, the effected signal, as a drop when its not,its a change but not a loss of volume itself. All the demo’s I’ve heard of a supposed drops on youtube, there actually has been zero loss of volume whatsoever.

    Its like how I’ve read posts where people say “my big muff is too quiet and I have the volume set to 9 o’clock” well….turn it up to 5 o’clock! Its not rocket science!


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