Home Forums Help/Technical Questions stereo memory man — can only loop with 0 attenuation in loop mode, all delay modes attenuate the loop — any ideas?

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    so just the other day i was looping with the smmwh – i had the momentary switch held down when i engaged the pedal, when i let go of the momentary switch the pedal locked up. every since then the pedal will no longer allow for 0/no attenuation looping in any of the delay modes (regardless of the feedback knob’s position)

    i have tried to power the pedal down and back up again, change the preset values and just setting values manually to 100% with no change — looping in any of the delay modes now always results in an attenuated loop, fading out in 5 or 6 passes…

    looping mode however works just fine, the feedback knob works as expected allowing for 0 to full attenuation of the looping…


    any ideas for what might be the problem / potential fixes?

    is there any way to do a factory reset on the pedal?


    and of course, its just past the 1 year warranty mark…thanks in advance for the help


    Please clarify: in loop mode, feedback works as it should to control attenuation, but when looping in delay modes, you can’t control attenuation, and the loops are fading after 5 passes. Correct? Is this different than your experience in the last year? I ask because this is how I’ve always known the SMMH to work.

    When layering over a loop in loop mode, feeback controls attenuation, but in delay mode, your feedback control is for the delay that you’re currently on, not for loop attenuation. By 6 passes or thereabout, in a delay mode, I find that there is a natural reduction of earlier loops as you’re describing. Let me know if that info helps or if I’m missing something.

    Please clarify: in loop mode, feedback works as it should to control attenuation, but when looping in delay modes, you can’t control attenuation, and the loops are fading after 5 passes. Correct? Is this different than your experience in the last year? I ask because this is how I’ve always known the SMMH to work.

    When layering over a loop in loop mode, feeback controls attenuation, but in delay mode, your feedback control is for the delay that you’re currently on, not for loop attenuation. By 6 passes or thereabout, in a delay mode, I find that there is a natural reduction of earlier loops as you’re describing. Let me know if that info helps or if I’m missing something.

    interesting, i would like to hear from anyone else on this — i used to be able to get no attenuation looping, even in the delay modes.

    i am aware that the feedback knob changes functions in different modes – but if i had it on full/100% in the loop mode and then moved to a delay mode – the unit seemed to remember that setting for when adding additional layers to the loop… if say i was looping in loop mode with no attenuation, and went up to a delay mode – it would continue to add to the loop (in the delay mode) with no attenuation. also, if in a delay mode and the feedback was set to 100% i could start a loop in that mode and continue to loop on top with no attenuation as well.

    my unit functioned this way for about a year (until now of course). now it has the same attenuation for the loop in any/all delay modes despite changing settings.


    what are other people’s experiences?

    Please clarify: in loop mode, feedback works as it should to control attenuation, but when looping in delay modes, you can’t control attenuation, and the loops are fading after 5 passes. Correct? Is this different than your experience in the last year? I ask because this is how I’ve always known the SMMH to work.

    When layering over a loop in loop mode, feeback controls attenuation, but in delay mode, your feedback control is for the delay that you’re currently on, not for loop attenuation. By 6 passes or thereabout, in a delay mode, I find that there is a natural reduction of earlier loops as you’re describing. Let me know if that info helps or if I’m missing something.

    interesting to hear your unit works this way too… now i am really curious to to hear from anyone else on this — i used to be able to get no attenuation looping, even in the delay modes.

    i am aware that the feedback knob changes functions in different modes – but if i had it on full/100% in the loop mode and then moved to a delay mode – the unit seemed to remember that setting for when adding additional layers to the loop… if say i was looping in loop mode with no attenuation, and went up to a delay mode – it would continue to add to the loop (in the delay mode) with no attenuation. also, if in a delay mode and the feedback was set to 100% i could start a loop in that mode and continue to loop on top with no attenuation as well.

    my unit functioned this way for about a year (until now of course). now it has the same attenuation for the loop in any/all delay modes despite changing settings.


    what are other people’s experiences?


    When I get home I think I’ll be fooling around with my board a bit, so I’m gonna check to see how my pedal behaves while I’m paying attention to these specific issues. The fact that yours is behaving differently now than you’re used to is certainly a problem.

    I hate to say it because I obviously love EHX pedals, but in 20 years its the only pedal manufacturer that I’ve ever had quality issues with, and that includes Line 6, which gets lots of complaints. I’ve had malfunctions with my Qtron+ (fave pedal), Small Stone, SMMH, and Worm. Their repair shop is good and cheap though so its not been a huge deal.


    that would be great – i’d love to hear what your experience is.

    it would be crazy to think it was ‘defective’ before, and now due to the crash/lock up behaves ‘properly’


    i know i hear complaints about EHX gear hear and there, but i fortunetly havent had an issue with any of mine, and i have 17 sum old sum new, including the SMMH and others that people seem to have issues with.


    Ok, I did what I said I would do (A first!) and here’s what I came up with.

    I started in loop mode with repeats set at noon, and switched to 1 sec echo. I did simple 8 bar riffs and kept layering in around the same sonic space (all on the d and g strings, around the 10th-12th fret). By the time I got to 6 layers, I could no longer distinguish between what I played first and what I played sixth.

    I switched back to loop mode and maxed out the repeats, then switched back to 1 sec echo. I played a bass line on my low strings in order to make something stand out and rest in a different sonic space, then kept layering in the higher range as described before. I could still hear the bass line by the time I got up to 6 layers, but it definitely had faded somewhat.

    Here’s my perspective: Turning the repeats knob to maximum in loop mode does not carry over when I switch to 1 second echo. If I was in loop mode, I definitely could have put a bass line, tap out a drum beat, put in a guitar line or two and would have heard each instrument. In echo mode, with effect minimized, I got similar results. But in both cases, it had to do with where the sounds were residing in the spectrum. If I had 1 sec echo on and looped a heavily delayed riff and then added more layers in other modes, like 3 sec+mod for example, all in a typical range for guitar, all the sound just mushed together.

    So my view on this is that your pedal is working now as it should be. I think your early impression that it does not attenuate in delay modes came from whatever you were playing at the time not really pushing the limits of what you are trying to accomplish recently. Also, I think there is a limit on the memory, so your early impression may have been a 10 second loop and your recent experience might have been 30 seconds, so layering ability would run out sooner.

    Hope that helps.


    yes that helps a lot – thank your for doing the test on your unit, i really appreciate you taking the time. i bet you are right about me just noticing the attenuation now – as i have come to rely more and more on the looping capabilities of the smmwh.


    Happy to help. Rock on! :thumb:

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