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    Maybe they bought old stocks of knobs?

    Some of them (those with the long shafts) seem to be made for hi-fi or similar equipment where the pots are not in but behind the front panel.


    At least one of those knobs were used on home hi-fi amplifiers. One of the V1 silver knobs with the long pot shafts I have pictured on my site are the exact same knobs on an amp my father had in our home in the early seventies. I think it was a Magnavox or Phillips Electronics. Some vintage Muff owners have emailed me telling me similar recollections about knobs they have seen.

    There are actually two different versions of those reactor tower shaped knobs seen on that Bad Stone. One had an indicator line and one did not. There are a few other of the odd knobs that were made in two versions as well, with and without the line.

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