Home Forums Vintage EHX Small Stone V3 & Electric Mistress questions.

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    Hi all, new to this site after many years of using EH gear, nice place you have!

    About 21 years ago my boss at the time gave me his Small Stone (I since looked at the pot to see it’s dated ’79, lucky me) but it hasn’t worked for a while. Looking inside there’s no obvious issues, all the wires are connected and the solder joints seem ok enough but I don’t get any sound from it at all when I switch it on but the signal passes through when it’s deactivated.
    Any easy answers as I love this thing and can’t live without it’s lush noises anymore.

    As for the Mistress, I picked it up at a car-boot sale for £5…. needless to say the guy didn’t even know what it was. Only problem is that when you switch the effect out it occasionally hums like a b***ard and the signal becomes very weak (like a distant transistor radio) so I guess the switch needs replacing. Given that it’s mains powered i’m reluctant to try replacing the thing myself… should I be scared or shall I just get a new switch and go for it?

    p.s. Just picked up a Nano Metal Muff and this little terror is mighty!!! All the high-gain I ever need in one tiny little black box… beautiful.


    BTW the Mistress has the green silk-screening on the brushed silver chassis, what version would that be?

    BTW the Mistress has the green silk-screening on the brushed silver chassis, what version would that be?

    I’m kind of sure that that version is the same than the black/silver chassis, just looks different.

    Check out this site for more info: http://electroharmonix.ronsound.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=45


    Yeah, I saw that page earlier… i’ll have to check the pots inside for a more accurate date for it. Thanks for the reply Sanqui.

    The EH Man

    For the Small Stone, it’s likely a power problem or a bad op-amp. I think the DC passes through a 47 ohm resistor first so it might be burned up and is keeping power from the rest of the circuit.

    Deluxe Electric Mistress: sounds like bad solder joints in the power supply, probably on the filter caps. If it does need a new switch it’s no big deal to replace.


    the small stone problem may also be the footswitch, Ive had to replace a couple old ones myself with the same issue, try removing the wires to the switch and twist them togeather to eliminate the switch, and see if the effect works when the switch is completely bypassed, or just temp run a jumper wire. if you now get an effected signal start looking for a replacement switch. you can get NOS Carling switches on Ebay, as i did for my V1 Small Stone. or you could true bypass mod it while your at it with a newer switch.


    Thanx for the answers guys, I wondered if it was the switch itself as it’s taken some abuse over the years (and taken some beer and sweat too no doubt.) I’ll try the jumper-wire trick later and cross my fingers!

    The Mistress problem hasn’t occurred for a fair while now and as I only use it for home-recording i’ll hold off on any repairs. Looking at some more sites for reference it seems I have the “more expensive” (ie; you get charged more for them) green/black fronted version, an absolute result for such small change.

    BTW Mr Grim, how feckin’ huge is your pedalboard man!?! Can I borrow it? ;)


    its actualy 2 boards….lol
    i wish i could find a easy way to put everything on one board.
    one day when i have the time, and im not building a guitar or a pedal of my own, ill build a really nice multi tier board with under storage for all the power units.

    my first board is 3.5 x 1.75 feet with 1 riser in the back row, and the second is 2.5 x 1.5 feet. all flat. both have flight cases.

    lol…i have a newer Worm pedal and an expression pedal coming in the mail soon, that i need to try and make room for as well.


    You could do with an extra leg perhaps? lol

    I tried jumpering the switch on the Small Stone but to no avail, still no effected sound at all so it must be another component. Whats my next step to get this working again? I’m no whizz with a solder iron but I can try and identify the problem with a multi-meter if that will help.
    All suggestions (ideally worded for an electronics-ignorant like myself) gratefully received.


    Thanks Fried, i’ll look him up once I have some time.


    if you cant find him in this forum, this is his website, check it out very cool.


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