Home Forums Help/Technical Questions signal pad Vs. lpb-1

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    anyone knows the difference between these 2 pedals? it seems to me that the signal pad is just a pot that decreases the volume, while the lpb-1 is a booster.. i was looking for a limiter, but i think neither would work, because theyd just decrease blindly the signal to, eg, -2db, or would it dynamically “understand” when to engage? im kind of lost:/


    You are correct in your assessment of the pedals. How harsh of a limiter are you looking for? Are you planning on having it on all the time or would it be kind of on a per-song basis?


    thanks for the interest! i was looking for something very harsh, for some songs (but basically the whole song it should be on), because the fuzz interacting with some pedals (like the pog and ring thing) sometimes gets out of control. i thought about using the ibanez CP9, using ratio to infinity, but i find it too expensive for such a restricted use. any suggestions? thanks again!


    I really like the Alesis Smashup; It’s not a pedal but it does have a footswitch jack (so you could use like, an amp fs) and you can pick them up on ebay for about $45.

    I think its max ratio is like, 10:1 but it will squash.


    thanks for the tip, but its too big for me.. i think im gonna go for a diy ibanez cp9, since i dont care that much about the compressor tone, theres a schematic at tonepad. i wonder if a dynacomp could work too, what do you think?


    I really don’t care much for the dynacomp sound – I kind of associate it with Phish cover bands – but that’s just me.
    Not sure how you’re thinking a smashup would be too big – it’s not much bigger than a boss pedal, when oriented sideways. Another idea would be build a 2″ riser into your pedal board and put a cheap rack compressor underneath.


    to tell the truth, i dont care either, honestly i dont even like compressors, but the dyna is analog and famous so i thought what the heck.. and youre right about alesis size, i thought it was 2x the boss size, but its just a bit bigger. i looked into the other alesis pedals and they seemed quite cool (for digital eletronics pedals), have you ever used them? im currently using ehx pedal bag, so i cant use the rack.. but itd have been the best sollution. maybe ill get myself a decent case and just do it. thanks for the idea!

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