Home Forums EHX News Russian Big muff Petition…Please sign and speak out

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    I as a loyal EHX effects pedal user would like to voice my displeasure with your discontinuing of the Russian Muff…You have now forced me to buy either competitors copies of this great pedal or the real thing on the used market for $100 bucks…

    So i would like to start a Petition from other EHX users that you remake the Russian muff ..But not only am i going to be satisfied with a remake but because of your choice to discontinue this wonderful pedal ..Your punitive damage agreement will be to remake this pedal in a much more customer size friendly nano or little muff size…Preferably Nano…We know that the makers of such classic pedals as the Big muff Pi,Memory Man,Cathedral,Holy grail have the ability and know how to make this happen ..

    It is time for all EHX user to stand up and voice there opinion about this outrage..Please do not be scared i do not think that EHX will ban you from use of there products ..I realize that this is a risk greater than death ..But we can always smuggle you pedals under the EHX radar..So please sign the petition to remedy this great wrong done to us…

    Written this day of April 5th 2010..States that we demand that Ehx rights the grievous wrong that it has done by discontinuing the Russian version of the Big muff..Also known as the Sovtek..That EHX will be held responsible and apologies for the severe threat of the search for tone that it has committed by this action…
    We further more ask the Judges of song to impose the penalty of remaking the Russian big muff …With the changes submitted that it will have all the tone and sound characteristics of the original..But with the further enhancement of coming in a much more user friendly size..
    We also ask the Courts of endless tone that EHX cannot hold any grudges real or implied against signers of this petition and they will not with hold use of there products against any signer of this petition as this would be a fate worse than death..
    We also ask the Supreme rulers of sound that these changes be carried out no later than the day of January 1st 2011..As any longer would cause undue separation of the classic Fuzz sound of the Russian muff and may cause separation issues ..
    We come forward with this petition all users of EHX pedals signed below…


    dude… just get a bass muff IT’S THE EXACT SAME THING!


    The BBM not exactly the same as the Russians, but it’s pretty darn close, and in the smaller size too.

    According to Mike Matthews, the Russian Muffs were discontinued because the cost to make them in Russia kept going up, and the quality of the component parts in Russia kept going down. That’s why the enclosures kept getting cheaper and cheaper. The sound was not as good as it once was either, IMO. I don’t blame EHX for dropping it. The last few years they could not even get foot switches in Russia. They had ship them from the west. It did not make sense to keep making them in Russia any longer with that situation, especially when they had the BBM on the market to take it’s place.

    EHX could have probably marketed the BBM a little differently so that guitar players knew they were going for the same sound as the Russian Muffs, not just for bass players. The whole reason I think the BBM was made was due to the fact that bass players loved the Russian Muffs. It’s definitely based on the Sovtek tone, so I think EHX already makes what you are asking for.


    Obviously you are not reading the post it is suppose to be funny not taken seriously…Unless they would take my advice and make a nano russian muff…

    Also i would like to take issue with the suppose it cheap enclosures on the Sovtek Big muff …I own the last issue Russian it’s enclosure is the same thickness and size as the NYC Big Muff PI reissue


    they should get some ram’s head big muff reissues going

    EHX could have probably marketed the BBM a little differently so that guitar players knew they were going for the same sound as the Russian Muffs, not just for bass players. The whole reason I think the BBM was made was due to the fact that bass players loved the Russian Muffs. It’s definitely based on the Sovtek tone, so I think EHX already makes what you are asking for.

    I think that’s why they painted the BBM that ‘snot green’ colour

    You’re right about the marketing though. I think they have missed a trick not being more obvious with the Russian theme. I don’t think a lot of guitar players know it sounds like a SOVTEK. They would sell Zillions more I think.


    like kitrae (whose website is ASTOUNDING) said (and I apologize for saying)- it’s not exact -there are more pronounced bass frequencies and slightly less gain, but it is the closest yer gonna git… and it’s in the sweet xo enclosure!

    Obviously you are not reading the post it is suppose to be funny not taken seriously…Unless they would take my advice and make a nano russian muff…

    Also i would like to take issue with the suppose it cheap enclosures on the Sovtek Big muff …I own the last issue Russian it’s enclosure is the same thickness and size as the NYC Big Muff PI reissue

    I’m referring to the previous Russian Muffs. They started in “tank” like, heavy duty, thick cast metal enclosures with double layered sheet metal tops in the early 1990s. Throughout the years they kept getting thinner, eventually changing to all sheet metal boxes, then smaller, single layer sheet metal boxes. As I understand it, all those changes were made to help keep the cost to the consumer low as raw material and parts costs kept going up.


    Mr. Matthews said it was really about cost vs quality of continuing to have them made in Russia, but I’m sure meeting the EU environmental/health regulations was adding to the cost as well.


    I know some do not like the Sovtek ..As for myself i think it is the best muff on the market…I have owned many high dollar Fuzz boxes including Blackout effects and Z vek… But i always end up getting rid of them and keeping the Sovtek on my board… .Yes it has some reliability issues ..Heck the last one i bought worked for 3 weeks before i had to return it because of a problem…I may go an try the BBM..Just because of it’s size it may be the answer im looking for..The Sovtek sound in a smaller enclosure..

    Ned Flanders
    The BBM not exactly the same as the Russians, but it’s pretty darn close.

    Close enough to not give a fuck anyways hey!


    I’ll sign…

    Enter Sovtek Big Muff PI with Tone Wicker!


    There’s never enough Muff ;-)

    The EH Man
    Mr. Matthews said it was really about cost vs quality of continuing to have them made in Russia, but I’m sure meeting the EU environmental/health regulations was adding to the cost as well.

    They never bothered meeting the regulations. They just quuit shipping them to Europe.


    I added some sound clips to my Big Muff Sound Clips page comparing the BBM to the Black Russian Muff so you can hear how similar they are. They are really close, except for some loss in clarity on the low notes when using the BBM, especially the E string. For mid range lead stuff, they sound practically identical.

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