Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Ring Thing!

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    Got this in today and I’m REALLY loving it. I sold my Moog Ring Mod and Whammy in anticipation of this and it covers the ground of both perfectly (for my uses) and I don’t have to deal with the other two pedals’ horrible bypass. You can get EXTREMELY usable ring mod sounds, even with chords. You can get tons of cool octave tones, and it tracks approximately 1,000,000 times better than a Whammy, and can handle chords. The factory presets are all quite cool as well. Now I’m off to plug in an expression pedal and play around some more.


    jealous. post some videos please

    Don’t have the capability. Maybe if I didn’t spend so much money on pedals I could afford some decent recording/video equipment. Anyway, the stock presets #5, 6, and 9 are my favorites so far, and I’ve got a pretty fantastic subtle background setting set up with the knobs. The coolest thing about this pedal so far may be a functioning “whammy” effect. Two octaves up or down with fantastic tracking and ability to play chords is such a welcome change from that P.O.S. red pedal I used to have. I also have had tons of fun getting spacey blippy pulsing tones from setting the rate at about noon and moving the fine knob around. This thing is too cool. Congrats to EHX on the most functional Ring Mod I’ve ever played through. I love this thing.


    OMG OMG OMG I really want one. EXH seems to have really come through on this one!

    Is there any EHX expression pedal currently in production?

    OMG OMG OMG I really want one. EXH seems to have really come through on this one!

    Is there any EHX expression pedal currently in production?

    Not that I am aware of, but there are plenty of other expression pedals that should work^^

    But great picture! And yes, we want a demo (if audio is possible instead of video:P)^^

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