Home Forums The Lounge Replaing Little Big Muff and Dano Fab Tone with Germanium 4….

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  • #81187
    Mr Dreadful

    Worth a shot?

    Basically I have a Little Big Muff and a modded Danelectro Fab Tone, but want to upgrade both in order to get a bit more ‘oomph’ and versatility out of my sound… would the Germanium 4 be a good option for this, or would it perhaps be better to stick with separate units… e.g. get a regular Big Muff and/or a nicer distortion pedal than the Fab Tone (which, despite what people say isn’t fuzz. More fizz than anything)


    I don’t know about ‘oomph’, but there’ll definitely be more versatility with an BMPG4.
    and the fabtone is definitely an overdrive. not a fuzz. an o.d. with really harsh diode clipping, yeah, but still an overdrive. I’d keep it on-board though for extra ‘oomph’ though.


    I went from a Little Big Muff to the tone wicker version just before Xmas. I find the tone wicker to be much more versatile compared to the LBM. Ya just gotta watch the volume when you switch off the tone stack.

    I don’t own one, so I’m only speaking from second hand information, but I don’t know if the G4BM will get you that “Big Muff” sound. Cryabetes is right tho’, it’ll give you more tone shaping options. If you do decide to go the G4BM route, I’d still keep the Fab Tone in the mix.

    I run an LPB-1 into a Catalinbread Dirty Lil Secret, then into my BMwTW and finally into a POG2. Different combos of these pedals give me a lot of different options without having to tweek anything on stage.

    Hope that helps!


    Mr Dreadful

    Thanks for the replies… I think I will keep the FabTone, there are more mods I want to do to it anyway, see if I can get the best I can out of it.

    Totally going to get the BMPG4 sometime, I want tone shaping options! :D

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