Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Remove a Deluxe Electric Mistress Internal Transformer

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  • #79002

    Hi !
    I have in my pedalboard, a vintage Deluxe Electric Mistress, with an internal transformer.
    I want to remove it, in order to plug a DC jack from my Voodoo Lab PP2+ in the DEM.

    A few minutes ago, I found a thread in this forum, for replacing an internal transformer from an old DMM.

    So, do you think this is a similar operation ?
    Is the DEM running in 24VDC ?

    Thanks a lot, and excuse me for my bad english, this is not my primary language.

    (PS: I have a Deluxe Big Muff too… and want to do the same thing )

    The EH Man

    You can use a 24VDC supply if you connect it correctly. You’ll need to attach the ground wire to ground (of course). The hot (+) would go to the junction of the 2 diodes on the board, right where they connect to the voltage regulator (78L15).


    Thanks ! I’ll try this as soon as possible.


    Is it possible to run the Deluxe Electric Mistress on 9volts DC?

    Or does it require 24 volts DC when converted?

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