Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Problem using Fuzz pedal in Switchblade PRO loop

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  • #85932

    I am getting a terrible “gated/cut-out” sound when using a Skreddy Rover Fuzz in either Loop A or B in my Switchblade PRO. This problem does NOT exist when I do any of the following:
    1. bypass the Switchblade PRO altogether
    2. put the fuzz before the Switchblade pro, but leave Switchblade PRO off
    3. put the fuzz before the Switchblade pro, and activate loop A, B, or both in serial. So the fuzz sound goes into the Switchblade PRO, then through loop A or B, and sounds great (no issues). when I simply put the fuzz in loop A or B, the problem exists.

    Also, all of my other pedals work fine in loop A or B

    It is like there is some type of impedance issue when putting this fuzz in the loop, but no issue when putting it in front of the Switchblade PRO.
    I have even tried flipping the internal phase switches.

    Any thoughts on what is causing this issue?


    Have you tried putting the fuzz after the Switchblade Pro with the SBP engaged?

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