Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG2 – Not Saving Presets

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  • #80800

    Hello there,

    Having some trouble with my newly aquired POG2.
    I dial in a setting I really like, then hold down the White button until the lights flash and it says it is saved.

    However, when I disconnect power from the pedal (ie: to transport it to the gig), and replug it, all my presets have disappeared!

    Am I doing something wrong? :/


    yes i have the exact same problem!
    i purchased mine yesterday, and had all the sounds i wanted saved.
    Then i unplugged it and left it. When i went to play it today, its back to the sounds it came with, none of my sounds…
    could it be a problem with new ones?
    if this is normal than it sucks!


    i am also having the same issue . brand new pog2, got it last week …. any word from ehx?

    i’m hoping i don’t have to send it back and can just fix it myself ..


    Bought my POG2 yesterday and am having the same problem!

    I had 8 sounds that i really iked all stored up as well :(


    I am having the same issue and I cannot figure out whats going on, am I saving them wrong? I hold down the white button until all the leds stop flashing, but when I unplug, its back to factory no sets. Can anyone explain, perhaps the issue is in the way I am making the preset?


    anybody else get a response yet? I have sent two emails, and still nothing.


    strange that all these pop up around the same time. unfortunately im too poor to buy one although i really do want one so i cannot answer from experience but i can give suggestions.

    maybe you have to hit it into bypass before you unplug it?
    maybe they started making them differently?

    if you look in your computer, on one of the boards you should find a large flat battery like the ones they use in watches. this is to keep the time and date as well as (some) files (im not exactly sure if im right on the files with this) while your computer is completely unplugged.

    i dont know. just some guessing


    Most likely the EEPROM IC in the POG2 needs to be replaced though I’m not 100% sure that is the problem. It sounds like it will need to be fixed by a qualified repair person.

    I am CC’ing this email to Rik Kamiya in customer service, he can help you figure out he best approach to getting this pedal fixed.

    that is what i got emailed back from ehx :(

    really puts a dint in the high respect i had for ehx pedals.


    I got response from my emails yesterday this was the response;

    “We are going to look into this problem now, we are just becoming aware of it.”

    So who knows what we’ll have to do. Whether there’ll be a recall or if we’ll need to send them back to ehx to be repaired.

    What was weird though was i called the shop i bought the pedal from and the dude seemed fairly sure that the pedal wasn’t actually meant to save presets so who knows how long the problem has been going on for.
    Oh well just thought i’d let you all know.

    I got response from my emails yesterday this was the response;

    “We are going to look into this problem now, we are just becoming aware of it.”

    So who knows what we’ll have to do. Whether there’ll be a recall or if we’ll need to send them back to ehx to be repaired.

    What was weird though was i called the shop i bought the pedal from and the dude seemed fairly sure that the pedal wasn’t actually meant to save presets so who knows how long the problem has been going on for.
    Oh well just thought i’d let you all know.

    thanks for letting everyone know, if there are lots of people having this problem keeping the thread updated will help others out a lot who come here with the same problem…. lets hope you all get a solution to this soon.


    yes thanks for letting us know … i have also sent a few emails to ehx, but not getting any response

    i exchanged mine for another one, but it has the same problem. :angry:


    thanks for all the help, keep the thread going, hopefully the issue will be addressed, my music store has another one put on order for me so I don’t have to wait if this one is faulty… Thankfully, I need it for gigs!


    I am new on this forum. Recently purchased the Ring Thing (fantastic pedal by the way)

    Just a little disappointed that this issue has not been addressed by anyone at Electro Harmonix in the time span that this has existed.

    For any of the regular long time members…..is this the norm??

    I have a few other pedals from companies such as Seymour Duncan and Digitech. Both have been very responsive to customer problems, on the forums and in direct contact. At Seymour Duncan they actively scan the forums for issues like this to resolve them immediately before it gets viral on the internet.

    Has anyone received any response from the help desk or tech department on this preset issue with the POG2? This was going to be my next purchase.



    Hi Brad… it’s usual not to get a quick response from EHX staff here, EHX staff don’t come here very often, Most of the admin (like myself) are just volunteers with no connection to the company, but EHX are usually pretty good if you contact them directly.. that’s why I was encouraging people to keep the thread up here so when a staff member does visit (as they do from time to time) they will notice it.

    in the meantime, I’d suggest contacting them some other way.


    email, phone, mail.


    Hi again folks. Just wondered if anyone else has heard anything from EHX yet?


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