Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Pitch Fork+ Expression Pedal Malfunctioning

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  • #196901

    I purchased Pitch Fork+ a few months ago and have used with no problem. But when an expression pedal is plugged, I got a problem: sometimes, it suddenly loses control and the sound does not stop, as if oscillating. I use Hotone Soul Press pedal in expression mode with normal TRS cable.
    Greatly love Pitch Fork+’s tone and easy usability, but I don’t feel safe using it when these unpredictable malfunctions occur. Is anyone else facing the same problem? Any suggestions would be appreciated!


    Very sorry
    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com today. They can help you out.


    It could be a few things, a plug not making a secure connection, a faulty jack on the PF+, and maybe a broken or cold solder joint in the signal path.


    Dear EHX staffs, thank you for the kind replies.
    Today I noticed that if I set the pedal behavior with the Exp mode ON, then change another parameter (e.g. SHIFT 1) and operate the pedal without pressing the Exp button again, the malfunction occurs. If I press the Exp button before operating the pedal, it seems to work fine. Maybe is it necessary that the Exp button be lit when using the pedal?

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