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    I’m looking to get some new humbuckers for my SG. They need to be cream in color though (paired with a tortoise shell pickguard on a natural bust finish, it should like quite gnarly). The only company that I’ve come across that makes cream humbuckers is DiMarzio. I hate DiMarzio. Suggestions, perhaps?


    If the color is your only concern, then why not just get pickups with removable pickup covers so you can swap them?

    I’m not entirely familiar with color selections among guitar pickups, but I know that many bass pickups (especially when it comes to the classic Precision and Jazz pickups) have removable covers so you can swap them for another color. I’m sure it’s no different for a guitar humbucker, since it’s a universal and obscenely common kind of pickup.

    If the color is your only concern, then why not just get pickups with removable pickup covers so you can swap them?

    I’m presuming he wants open coils with cream coloured bobbins.

    OK…all these sell ‘double cream’ pickups (in some of thier range at least) …. your best bet would be to look out for some on ebay that have been taken out of an old japanese guitar like an Ibanez or something. What’s wrong with DiMarzio anyway?

    Bare Knuckle


    Rio Grande





    Thanks electro-melx. those Swinesheads are perfect, but I’ll just have to pay international shipping. I don’t like DiMarzio because they have too many models (I can’t make up my mind), they’re too commercial (all of those “shredder douches use them), and they are too generic sounding from what I can gather.

    Thanks electro-melx. those Swinesheads are perfect, but I’ll just have to pay international shipping. I don’t like DiMarzio because they have too many models (I can’t make up my mind), they’re too commercial (all of those “shredder douches use them), and they are too generic sounding from what I can gather.

    fair enough on the DiMarzios, I agree it’s almost impossible to choose!! ..it would be pretty cool to have some hand made in the UK pickups too! :) if you do get some, I’d be very interested to hear what you think of them.

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