Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear order all the EHX pedals you’ve owned from favorite to least favorite

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  • #109384

    1.small clone
    2. double muff
    3. russian bassballs
    4. big muff


    1) EHX Bass Microsynthesizer
    2) EHX Deluxe Electric Mistress
    3) Boss OC-2
    4) Boss PS-2
    5) EHX Bass Big Muff Pi
    6) Homebrew Electronics Hematoma Bass Overdrive
    7) Marshall Vibratrem (use it occasionaly)
    8) Marshall Jackhammer (haven’t used that for years)
    9) Boss BF-2B (Lost it, but didn’t care, it sucks)

    And I have a Planet Waves tuner, it works and it’s built decent so it’s cool^^

    And number 1 till 6 use them all the time but if it can do more weird things it’s higher on my list, because that has a toy factor:-)

    the ones i love

    DMM, English Muff’n, Big Muff Tone Wicker, 1echo, Holy Grail, Micro Pog, White Finger

    Ones i didnt

    Dr Q, Stereo Electric Mistress

    was a while since i wrote that

    ones i love

    DMM, Pog2, MicroPog, English Muff’n, Big Muff Tone Wicker, Holy Grail, White Finger, Double Muff

    ones i like but arent too sure about

    Stereo Electric Mistress, 1echo and The Worm Xo

    Wish List

    another DMM
    Memory Toy
    Graphic Fuzz
    Big Muff Pi
    Metal Muff
    Small Clone
    Small Stone
    Octave Multiplexer
    Freedom Amp
    Dirt Road Amp
    And any other Vintage EHX that i can get my hands on


    1. sem
    2. bmptw


    I’m not sure I can rank these in any well-ordered fashion, but here’s an attempt:

    1. Pedals that immediately got put on my live board and haven’t left:

    a) Micro-Pog, does exactly what I want it to, compatible with standard power supply.

    b) Stereo Clone Theory, too noisy for recording applications, but live it’s great, if you want the Peter Hook sound, use the Peter Hook pedal. I essentially leave it on the entire time.

    c) Nano Small Stone, my newest acquisition, after my Bluebeard Fuzz and set for very low speed, it has exactly the doomy/stony sound I wanted.

    2. Pedals I often use live:

    a) Metal Muff, only usable for my side project, but really shines there.

    b) LPB2-ube, I use as a pre-amp for my Sunn Concert Slave. After I got the noise issue sorted out (tighten the screw between the tubes), it’s a great way to get some portable tube grind without hauling any of my big amps around.

    c) LPB1 I’ve used live to push my Acoustic B200H, for some reason I like the sound of the LPB better than cranking up the gain on the amp, and it seems to keep it from clipping quite so much (I may be fooling myself here).

    d) Nano Bass-Balls, again, only for the side project. Not the most flexible pedal, but the one thing it does, it does real well. Blend in some sub-octave from the Micro-Pog, and you can really get peoples attention.

    3. Pedals I love to mess around with at home:

    a) Flanger Hoax, I can’t imagine how anyone would use this live, but at home I can get lost in it pretty easily.

    b) Nano-Muff, pretty unusable on bass, so no live applications. It has an okay sound, I like how touch-responsive it is, but I’m more likely to drag out a tube-screamer when I feel like messing with guitar overdrive.


    I went through a lot of EHX in the last year, now I’m down to my faves:
    1. Q-Tron+
    2. Hazarai
    and 3., my awesome new Ring Thing, which has way better pitch shifting that the microPog and more useable ring mod than the Freq Analyzer. Too bad my account was deleted and all my posts with it, it would have been nice to have the evolution documented here. C’est la vie.


    1- Little Big Muff (Blended with my clean bass signal it’s so effing SYNTHesque!!)
    2- Stereo Electric Mistress (My to-go Chorus/Flange)
    3- Stereo Pulsar (Would somebody add STEREO IN‘s on all of the Stereo XO pedals, please?)
    4- LPB 1 (That slight treble boost you get is really good after AND before dirt)


    1. stereo electric mistress
    2. bmptw

    really easy to decide


    1) double muff …and 1)smmh
    2) stereo clone theory


    Five Stars:
    Small Stone (v1) – amazing on guitar and vocals

    Four Stars:
    Big Muff Pi (NYC/Modern)
    Small Clone (Russian)

    Three Stars:
    #1Echo – not really impressed by this. I’m kind of a delay aficionado though so whatever.

    One Star:
    2880 Footswitch. I really don’t bother with this, other than to make the initial loop- everything else I end up reaching down to the actual 2880. I’ve detailed my thoughts on this one in the various 2880 threads :/ At least it can use a standard guitar cable…


    Let’s see…

    first-run Holy Grail (big box/chicken-head knob; sold a year ago)
    Polychorus (chicken-head knobs)
    Nano Doctor Q (sold that one recently)
    2880 w/ footswitch
    another 2880 (still have both)


    Small Clone
    Stereo Electric Mistress
    Bass Big Muff PI
    Stereo Pulsar

    –in the mail to me right now:

    Enigma q-Balls
    Ring Thing

    –only ehx pedal i didn’t dig, sent back:

    Big Muff PI with tone wicker.

    love EHX!!!

    I have never purchased an EHX pedal that didn’t make me want to buy another, but here goes nothing:

    Q-Tron (the big box)
    Stereo Polychorus
    Bass Micro Synth (the big box)
    Big Muff (black Russian)
    Deluxe Electric Mistress
    Small Stone (black Russian)
    Bassballs (black Russian)
    LPB-1 (Nano)

    I’m going to add a HOG.

    Wow, eighteen months really changes a man. I now have some different ideas as to what is cool:

    1. Q-Tron (it’s better than yours)
    2. Big Muff (green Sovtek)
    3. BMS
    4. DEM
    5. Stereo Polychorus
    6. Small Stone (the same one as before, except that I no longer have it)
    7. Stereo Clone Theory (which was traded for a vintage Roland Jazz Chorus amp, so I’m the winner)
    8. Small Clone (modded, and not in an ideal way)
    9. Big Muff (which was sold to a TalkBass denizen, modded to Civil War spec, and flipped again)
    10. Big Muff (a duplicate of 9, which went towards a rather good-quality, if a bit boring, Fulltone Clyde Deluxe)
    11. Bassballs (same as it ever was)
    12. LPB-1 (once I figured out why my signal was weak, I had no more need for it, and it went towards my ring modulator, at the most expensive damn guitar shop I’ve ever encountered)


    80 Electric Mistress (green computer-like circuit board with no trim pots. Much less hiss than the
    70s one I had. Sounds like a hi-band flanger)
    70s Zipper (very warm resonant filter. Throaty, not quacky. Has an orange LED which I’m not sure is
    stock or not)
    79 Microsynth (trigger is a bit finicky on mine but many awesome sounds to be found)
    75 Octave Multiplexer (currently broken :()
    84 Big Muff (smooth warm muffy tones from the last year of the original EHX)

    Holiest Grail (everything’s tweakable and 8 presets. Easy to overload with HBs though)
    70s Hot Tubes (Gritty low gain OD. Massive boost potential.)
    70s Ver 5 IC Big Muff (huge sounding, particularly with the tone switched out)
    Flanger Hoax (brilliant thru-zero flanger. A bit too hissy though)
    76 V1 Small Stone (very buttery unobtrusive phase. Lots of tone suck and volume drop though)
    70s Electric Mistress (Cream hand-drawn circuit board with 2 blue trimpots. Incredibly noisy and lots
    of volume drop. A old curiosity only)


    Well I’ve only owned 4 EHX pedals

    1.1970’s Electric Mistress (broke and i hope it gets repaired one day :love: )
    2.Small Clone (reissue sadly)
    4.1970’s Small Stone

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