Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics One-Man-Band (Songwriting Session) VIDEO-SONG

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    …. just wanted to share a song I just wrapped up where I video’d the whole tracking process. I start by playing all the guitar parts through in one shot, using a looper (EHX 2880) and a pair of amps (panned via the looper). It was an experiment, that’s more of a glimpse into my approach to songwriting.

    In the chain on guitar I’m using: an EHX Black Finger; EHX Stereo Memory Man (reverse delay); EHX Freeze; and ultimately all through the 2880 looper.


    I’m eager to here what y’all think. It’s all done and wrapped around video editing and all, so not much leeway for change, but I’m just getting started so open to all critiques…. anything you’re hearing in the mix etc.? I’m quite new to this and looking on how to improve going forward!

    Thanks in advance!



    Outstanding Mr. Montgomery

    Well done indeed.


    Outstanding Mr. Montgomery

    Well done indeed.

    Thanks & Muchos’ Gracious (which mean the same thing… so DOUBLE THANKS!!!!!)

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