Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Noisy Hog

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  • #80417

    Morning, all,

    I’m encountering noise problems with my Hog that are becoming pesky. It seems very sensitive. In my house, if there’s something else running that seems to draw a lot of power, the Hog starts buzzing pretty badly…it’s like you can hear the octaves or semi-tones that are boosted even when you’re not playing anything. Air conditioner, washing machine, toaster…all these will boost the volume of the noise.

    Last night I had a performance and the problem was the same. I’m worried that I can’t really use this pedal live because of this unpredictability.

    I should note that I normally use the Hog with the input gain all the way down, and this seems connected somehow. Increasing the input gain lowers the noise — but it doesn’t make it vanish, and the more I turn it up the more I increase the possibility of clipping. I’ve always preferred to use it with the input slider all the way down and the output all the way up.

    Do I have a faulty unit, need a different power supply? Is this a known issue? I’ve always used the EHX power supply that came with it — at least as far as I can remember.

    Thanks for any input.

    bill ruppert

    Check and see if the noise vanishes when you turn down your guitars volume control.
    If the noise vanishes it means the noise is coming in from the guitar and not the HOG.
    Any noise in and the HOG will add octaves to the input noise and make it bigger just as it does to your guitar signal.
    If the noise is there with your guitar turned down, its time to have the HOG checked or the way your power supplies are connected.
    make sure your guitar cables are good as well!

    Morning, all,

    I’m encountering noise problems with my Hog that are becoming pesky. It seems very sensitive. In my house, if there’s something else running that seems to draw a lot of power, the Hog starts buzzing pretty badly…it’s like you can hear the octaves or semi-tones that are boosted even when you’re not playing anything. Air conditioner, washing machine, toaster…all these will boost the volume of the noise.

    Last night I had a performance and the problem was the same. I’m worried that I can’t really use this pedal live because of this unpredictability.

    I should note that I normally use the Hog with the input gain all the way down, and this seems connected somehow. Increasing the input gain lowers the noise — but it doesn’t make it vanish, and the more I turn it up the more I increase the possibility of clipping. I’ve always preferred to use it with the input slider all the way down and the output all the way up.

    Do I have a faulty unit, need a different power supply? Is this a known issue? I’ve always used the EHX power supply that came with it — at least as far as I can remember.

    Thanks for any input.


    Twilight Zone time. I just set up my amp and the noise is pretty much totally gone — even with toaster and air conditioner going.

    I have noticed in the past that the input slider has been a little wonky, giving out some loud pops when I moved it, especially from the down position. That was one of the reasons I was just leaving it all the way down. The slider isn’t popping now. Dust? Now there’s a little buzz when the Hog is engaged unaffected by the volume on the guitar (or bass in this case), but it’s totally within the range of acceptability. Before, it was very loud and intrusive. And I tried it in different power outlets and my Fuhrman power conditioner — same noise.

    Maybe it’s one of those things that gets fixed simply by asking about it — I hope! The only other thing I’m wondering is if it could be the result of leaving the unit on for a long period of time and it’s heating up or something…I’ve been leaving it plugged in but bypassed for pretty extended periods.



    Tried it again and it’s kinda back. Had it powered on and it sounded fine, then switched on the air conditioner, and the first thing that happened, the power to the Hog cut, then came back on. The extra noise was back — also, it seems as though when this happens, the extra octaves are a little out of tune. So it does still seem sensitive to power spikes. Perhaps it sounded good this morning because it was so early, and there wasn’t much power otherwise in use?


    Just a thought, maybe try it in a different building. Maybe its picking up something on your ring main in your house. Just a thought.


    I was hoping it was just a problem with my archaic wiring, but I had a performance over the weekend somewhere else and the noise/interference was extremely troublesome — very loud. That wiring could’ve been a little sketchy too, but even if so, it proves that the Hog is very sensitive to this sort of thing. Or at last my Hog, if it’s damaged. So, yeah, I’m worried that it’ll be ok in some venues, not ok in others, and it’ll be unpredictable in that way.


    Hello All,

    Well, now my HOG is making noise & it’s coming out of both the FX & Direct output. High-pitched kind of squeal. Non-stop. Plus, my input sliders are kinda strange as sometimes they seem to do nothing or at other times are very sensitive , almost impossible to adjust. No clue what’s going on.


    Please contact :
    Tell them whats going on and they will get you the best help.

    Hello All,

    Well, now my HOG is making noise & it’s coming out of both the FX & Direct output. High-pitched kind of squeal. Non-stop. Plus, my input sliders are kinda strange as sometimes they seem to do nothing or at other times are very sensitive , almost impossible to adjust. No clue what’s going on.



    Thanks! I sent off an email today.


    sorry for the thread necromancy; I have the exact same issue; was there a solution to it? and can you share?


    Please write the above service techs

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