Home Forums Help/Technical Questions New Voice Box makes loud buzz when connecting along other pedals

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    Just got a new Voice box and it works well by it self. When I plug my chain of pedals after it, i get a loud buzz sound from my amp. I have try it with different pedals and cables and it does the same thing. When I used it with no pedals after it it works fine. In the instructions it states that chain of pedals should be after the voice box on the left instrument out. I’m doing exactly as the directions, have tried 1, 2, different pedals and get a loud buzz from the amp. I want make sure I’m not doing something wrong before I take it back to where I bought it.

    Mr Dreadful

    I’ve no experience with the Voice Box itself but will say that effects placement is very much a matter of personal preference, if you find it sounds okay and doesn’t buzz elsewhere in the effects chain go for it. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, only what works for you.

    Does your amp have an effects loop? I used to have all my effects running before the amp but had noise issues with my Memory Boy so stuck everything that wasn’t distortion in the loop; problem solved!


    Sounds like a grounding issue between your microphone chain and your pedal chain.


    This is not just a hum, it make my fender twin speakers shake! its a very loud buzz, I have to un plug it, if I leave it plugged in I’m sure I’ll damage my amp. I do not think this a ground problem


    oh, ok.

    And when you plug it in with no other pedals?


    It works fine by it self…but if I plug something after it it doesn’t

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