Home Forums EHX News New single Muff OD?? and any other new pedals from NAMM other than the HOG2?

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    has anyone seen or hear of any news about other new pedals from EH? other than the HOG2?

    on a side note, i noticed an advertisement from Hello Music featuring the EH single Muff OD, but the print was green!? instead of the usual brownish as seen on the product page here. any info on this, is it just new paint? or is thee an internal update?


    Maybe they made a new one that’s normal polarity so it can be daisy chained.

    Namm’s still 9 days away, so who knows. I’d guess there’s nothing else new though because usually you find out about the stuff just before NAMM.


    That green Muff OD is intruiging, alright. It seems that one popped up before, last August:
    I do wonder if it’s a new revision of some kind. Any change that makes it closer to the old Muff Fuzz from the ’70s would be most welcome.


    i knew there had to be more!! the 48000 is here!!!!!!!!!!!


    hey guys, i just wanna say i still have only seen the green muff once on guitar center’s used items and once at my local shop. i snatched it up fast and i love it. nothin special to it though. i prefer the color however.

    i wasnt expecting the random tone generator. honestly from what i hear they are garbage. just loop through the same “tone” after so long


    Wow, EHX has blown my mind for NAMM. Here are some of my first impressions of the new gear, though I’ll be eager to try them all out at my local shop.

    HOG2 – I won’t lie, I’m a little disappointed that this is only a revision of the HOG and not any kind of major step forward. That said, if the sound quality is noticeably improved, it might make me upgrade. It’s a bummer that there are no new expression modes (why no superego styled stack/layer options for the freeze?), no effects loop, etc.

    45000 – Kind of the same as the HOG2, it seems like only a small upgrade over the 2880. The same sampling rate is kind of a bummer (and almost obsolete at 16bit!), but recalling saved loops is a big plus.

    RTG – It seems silly but this one I knew I would buy as soon as I heard about it. So many options for fun! A friend and I were most excited because, as he said, “If EHX is willing to re-release this weird old pedal then really nothing is off the table to be re-released.” Very cool.

    Epitome – Another strange pairing! The Tone Tattoo seemed weird to pair the pedals that it did (a metal pedal with analog delay?), but EHX goes to the weird well again with another strange trio. The Pog/Mistress/Grail combo seems a bit more easy to imagine where it would fit: experimenters, shoe-gazers, and synthesists.

    8-Step – Another pedal I bought in my brain the second I heard about it. THANK YOU for releasing this. CV/EXP is something that more pedals have now and is ripe for exploring. That the sequences are savable and easy to recall makes it better than even a lot of the boutique competitors in this category.

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