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    Just looking for a few other ideas.

    My band just lost its bass player. We’re a four piece (vox, guitar, bass, and drums) and we’re considering just doing without bass. I’d like to add some type of octave device to add more low end. My idea was to use a Boss OC3 in poly mode (poly mode allows you to dial in what frequencies you want effected ie just low E through A so chords don’t muddy up) and sent that effected sound to a bass amp, as well as have my dry signal to my guitar amp.

    Is there a way I can do this with a POG? Any other ideas would be greatly appriciated.


    You can do this (and A LOT) more with a HOG, since it has a dry out. Otherwise you would have to split (A/B box) your gtr signal with one going to the POG and bass amp, and the other going to your gtr fx and amp.



    by vox do you mean sum type of organ or keyboard? (if not then what? you have guitar listed) if so, you should be good, the key player can make up for the low notes, i have seen many bands with a key player and no bass.


    I think ‘Vox’ is short for ‘Vocals’;)



    Lol, yeah vox is short for vocals. Thanks for the responses, I’ll probably look into a HOG just for the massive versatility.


    Just for the record, you can do this with a micro-POG as well.

    As a bass player, I sometimes do the opposite of what you want to do, ie send an effected octave-up to a guitar amp, and pass my dry signal to my bass amp.

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