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  • #79920
    Ned Flanders

    is finally almost done.
    Here’s the link: http://sovtek.webs.com/
    Beware that it is a work in progress… although there is quite a bit of content on there right now. I still have around 6 schematics to finish and upload and a few other schems/diagrams too, I’ll get to it shortly.

    Hopefully soon, between Kit’s site and mine you can find out all you ever want to know about Big Muffs.



    Nice one mate… glad it’s up at last, I just read that whole ‘gain’ article, most of it was way over my head but I enjoyed reading it anyway, consider it bookmarked. :)

    I’ve also been busy with my new blog about my tentative steps into DIY effects and other related stuff.


    Ned Flanders

    Cool, I’ll check your blog from time to time to see what you been up to with your effectors!

    Them 6n8 mustards you have, an old man across the street gave me a heap of them in 10n, 12n, 22n, 27n, I just use them in my guitars…..they remind me of Jim Morrison “a mojo rising”.

    Cool, I’ll check your blog from time to time to see what you been up to with your effectors!

    Them 6n8 mustards you have, an old man across the street gave me a heap of them in 10n, 12n, 22n, 27n, I just use them in my guitars…..they remind me of Jim Morrison “a mojo rising”.

    ha, I cheated there, those aren’t my caps, it’s just there as a ‘vintage parts example picture’ I was gonna change it when my parts arrive, but looking at my tiny veroboard layouts, I’m not sure any of it will fit, I guess I’ll have to see when it arrives… if not I have some tagboard layouts they will probably be better for.

    …but anyway that’s a nice thing to have given to you, those fetch a fair old price over here.

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah they are expensive, he also gave me three huge boxes of NOS tubes and said “here, go thru these and keep the ones you like” I only found two that I wanted (out of a couple hundred), 2x Phillips long plate 12AX7’s. I was disappointed I didn’t get a bunch of them… I if played a Marshall i could have kept way more but I don’t own a Marshall so I lucked out.

    He’s into old tube radios and stuff so that’s why he has so much stuff.

    With using small vero layouts you should use small box caps like Topmay, BC components, MKT and Wima, they are small package caps even up to 10uF.

    Yeah they are expensive, he also gave me three huge boxes of NOS tubes and said “here, go thru these and keep the ones you like” I only found two that I wanted (out of a couple hundred), 2x Phillips long plate 12AX7’s. I was disappointed I didn’t get a bunch of them… I if played a Marshall i could have kept way more but I don’t own a Marshall so I lucked out.

    He’s into old tube radios and stuff so that’s why he has so much stuff.

    With using small vero layouts you should use small box caps like Topmay, BC components, MKT and Wima, they are small package caps even up to 10uF.

    yeah, I have loads of small parts too, I just found this ‘vintage parts’ website in the UK with loads of old mad stuff on it and it was all pretty inexpensive to I ordered a bunch of stuff just for fun….. I thought it would be cool to build a fuzzface with old parts, but I have the small new parts too. I got an email saying it had been sent the other day, so hopefully I might get it today.

    this is the site BTW, you might find it fun to browse.


    they have loads of old mullard ‘tropical fish’ and that kind of thing.

    these old germ trannies look so cool!


    Ned Flanders

    Old parts are fun, i have a soft spot for them too.

    Ned Flanders

    Not Russian man. Australian. Thanks.

    is there a website for sovtek eh pedals?

    you mean like an official one?

    They used to be listed on the EHX website, but obviously not any more as they don’t make them now.

    Sovtek valves are on the ‘New Sensor’ website.

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