Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback MIDI !! For the Hazarai pedals

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    Don’t you think it would be handy for these pedals with presets to have midi support?
    They are already digital and have a preset system (Hazarai / presets) .. so building in a midi interface shouldn’t be a huge hurdle.

    I can see the midi plug maybe taking too much space, so a stereo jack or mini-jack could be used with an adapter .. (midi in only needs 3 wires).
    Of course a full midi-in + midi-thru would be great, but I can see that would be too much to ask in these compact enclosures.

    This would allow me and a lot of other people to use the pedals so much more.
    Running any combo of Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai, POG2, Ravish Sitar, Cathedral, HOG, Ring Thing, Stereo Talking Machine and maybe the vocal processors … you could create so many insane and wonderful sounds .. but with no way to control them all, it’s not happening.

    It would also allow them to be integrated in a “pro rig” much easyer..

    What do you think?!


    I drool at the thought of full midi control of all the newer digital pedals.


    +1. maybe use a 9-pin serial jack on the top or side of the pedal. make them respond to program changes, cc value changes. then put out a CC value sequencer.

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