Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro Synth or Bass Micro Synth?

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  • #80377

    Hi, I play guitar and would like to know if I should get a micro synth or a bass micro synth? Is the bass ms solely for bass or does experimenting with it with a guitar is any good? Also pros and cons about doing this? Or should I stick with the micro synth for the best results?

    Sorry in advance if that subject has already been covered, I’m new to the board, did a quick search and didn’t find anything. Maybe didn’t look hard enough though.




    I have the same question. According to AnalogMan, the Bass Micro Synth is “great for guitar”. If the Bass Micro Synth IS in fact excellent for guitar but the guitar version isn’t so good for the bass, then the Bass Micro Synth is more versatile, being usable for both instruments. I have a burning desire for a Micro Synth, and can’t decide which one to buy based on AnalogMan’s assertion. I’ll be mainly using it for guitar, but would like the option of being able to use it for bass. I’ve read other testimonials which state that one can use the Bass Micro Synth with a guitar and get great results.

    bill ruppert

    I have both XO units here.
    The bass unit has the top end of the filter set lower.
    The difference is just a few parts.
    There is no big magical difference in sound when I A/B them.

    For guitar I would stick with the guitar version.

    The difference between the Enigma and Riddle pedal is much more apparent.
    Filters are very different

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