Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro Synth: Bass or Guitar version?

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    I miss s lot my Microsynth (XO), despite I still remember its defects (difficulties to manage volume and sustain… pretty unusable as octaver etc.. no exp. controls), I tried many ways to “spice” and improve my sound (POG 2, a microkorg too) but the MS has a really unique, FAT, warm analogue touch…

    I remember too that when I played bass with continuity (for a period last year) the (guitar) MS really didn’t work well, the effect was subtle, and barely preceivable. I thought: “well, in fact, for the bass frequencies they made the bass one”… and after a while I sold it.

    Now, I am playing steadily guitar with a very low tuning (c f d# a# g c) and I don’t exclude to use it with bass occasionaly, so which Micro Synth could be better for me?
    Does anyone made some test or comparison of the XO versions with guitar/bass? Tonal differencies?


    If you’re planning on ever playing Bass then you should get the Bass MicroSynth. I would imagine it would still work on guitar, not sure though how it’s voiced. Of course, you could simply get one for each & that way you wouldn’t have t worry about the problem at all………….


    I like the Bass MS too for both. Fat.


    Tuning that low I’d recommend the Bass MicroSynth too

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