Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Toy self oscillates very easily

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    My Memory Toy I got a week starts self oscillating when the Feedback is set to 12 ‘o clock and higher. I’ve read about folks which MT never self oscillates, so I was wondering if mine is behaving as expected, or if it is self oscillating too soon. If so, is there something I can do about it?


    Trim pot 1 affects the feedback. CCW is more, CW is less. Make sure and mark it before you mess with it as you can make it stop working quickly if you aren’t careful. Also there is a trim pot in the middle top of the board that affects depth of the Mod switch that is quite useful.


    Yeah I read about tweaking trim1 and tried to adjust it last night. But I didn’t get much of an improvement. So my feedback knob is only usable up until 12 ‘o clock. Is this the expected value at which it starts self oscillating?


    There have been loads of posts from people wishing theirs did this. If it was me I’d find someone who’s MT doesn’t oscillate easily and wishes it did and do a swap.


    Actually, I have decided to return it and maybe get another delay pedal. The reasons:

    1. It self oscillates too early. I am not interested in all kind of freaky sounds from a delay pedal.
    2. The blend function decreases the dry signal. I think it is much more logical to keep the dry signal as is, and then increase the wet signal on top of it
    3. My pedal often sounds like a big reverb and ‘metallic’, not very warm.

    If anyone wants to buy it from me (continental US only), send me a pm.

    Ned Flanders

    I have to admit I don’t have a good impression of the MT whatsoever! I have read basically nothing but complaint after complaint about it….usually I would just ignore this kinda thing because people complain about nothing a lot but I’m starting to think there’s something to it and that it has an inherent design flaw….. it hasn’t been out long and I have read at least 30-40 complaints about it on various forums, all very similar. This is the first opposite complaint I’ve heard of though.

    I have to admit I don’t have a good impression of the MT whatsoever! I have read basically nothing but complaint after complaint about it….usually I would just ignore this kinda thing because people complain about nothing a lot but I’m starting to think there’s something to it and that it has an inherent design flaw….. it hasn’t been out long and I have read at least 30-40 complaints about it on various forums, all very similar. This is the first opposite complaint I’ve heard of though.


    I love my MT. At first I had issues because it didn’t oscillate but I have another delay that does that. I played with the trim settings and for a delay it is absolutely beautiful sounding. For it’s footprint and sound it will definitely stay on my board. I have to admit though, I do mod and normally work on pedals so that might give me an advantage in confidence when tweaking internals over the normal user that might make them shy away.


    Liberty Belle- I think there is an issue with the MB too. I posted a thread about how frustrated i am with the pedal. I’ve called Ehx and left a message in customer service and have not heard back from anyone :(


    Man, I’ve just got a MT, and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’m into crazy psychdelic noises, and the MT allows me to make’em. Mixing it with flanger, wah and slide you can travel outer space. The mod of mine was useless, then I messed with the mod trim and now I can see a difference. Great pedal.

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