Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Toy

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  • #80230

    Hello there,

    can someone tell me if you can set the Memory Toy to do infinate repeats and also is there any volume drop when the pedal is switched on??



    You can make it self-oscilate (quite easily, by the way) if that’s what you’re asking…


    thanks for the reply. What I like to do is strum something on my bass walk off stage with it repeating what i’ve just played…


    definitely no volume drop whatsoever.


    I don’t exactly understand what you mean.. But what you describe isn’t that more like something a looper does?


    The Memory Toy doesn’t do infinite clean repeats, you would need at least a digital delay, preferably a looper. Hazarai does both. Get one.

    thanks for the reply. What I like to do is strum something on my bass walk off stage with it repeating what i’ve just played…

    Oh, then: No
    It’d start “burning” the repeats until they turn into feedback. As someone above said, you’d need a digital delay for that like the Boss DD-7 or the likes


    That’s a shame. I used to use the Echo 1 but the volume drop was really noticeable.

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